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Erratum In Volume 28, no.2 (1998), in the article by J.M. Mancini, "'The Safeness of Standing Alone': Alfred Stieglitz, Camera Work, and the Organizational Roots of the American Avant-Garde," the last paragraph of page 41 and the continuation of the paragraph on page 43 contained sentences that appeared in the wrong order. The paragraph correctly reads as follows, with the affected lines showing in bold font. Comprised of a Council, Fellows, and Associates, the Secession had room enough for collectors, writers, and other supporters, as well as photographers. While photographers always held a primary position within the organization, Stieglitz and his associates recognized the need to forge alliances with sympathetic nonpractitioners. Although the title "Associate" reinforced the distance between makers and mere auxiliaries, Camera Work's editors papered over this distinction by stressing the unity of purpose the two groups shared. 15 The editors did their best to lend cachet to supporting roles, moreover, by emphasizing the exclusiveness of their ranks and the difficulty of gaining entry therein. While claiming that associateship demanded "no requirements except sincere sympathy with the aims and motives of the Secession," the editors insisted that it must not be supposed that these qualifications will be assumed as a matter of course, as it has been found necessary to deny the application of many whose lukewarm interest in the cause with which we are so thoroughly identified gave no promise of aiding the Secession. ...

