In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Consulting Editors, May 1, 2016 through August 1, 2016

Many scholars contribute their time and expertise to the quality of this journal by providing reviews of submitted manuscripts. We thank the individuals listed here, as well as members of the editorial board listed on the inside cover, for their recent work on behalf of this journal.

The Editors

Stephen Aichele Debra Laible
Catherine Bagwell Gina C. Lemos
Mara Brendgen Lorraine McKelvey
Cathryn Booth-LaForce Kelly Lynn Mulvey
David Bridwell Annie Murray-Close
Deborah Casper Jamie Nordling
A. H. N. (Toon) Cillessen Jeffrey Parker
Clare Conry-Murray Fatima Ramos-Marcuse
Robert Coplan Amy Root
Pamela Davis-Kean Ann-Margret Rydell
Marissa Lynn Diener Karl Schweizer
Julie Dunsmore J. J. Sijtsema
Angela Evans Craig Smith
Pamela Garner Bart Soenens
Emily R. Griese Ross Thompson
Ashley Groh Chris Trentacosta
Brandi Hawk Pol A. C. van Lier
Julie A. Hubbard Brenda Volling
Robyn Konrad Larry Walker
Laurie Kramer Geert-Jan Will
Sofie Kuppens Lynne Zarbatany
Kristin Lagattuta

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