

A finales del siglo XIV, un reconocido jurista y literato granadino llamado Ibn ‘Asim (m. 1426) componía—entre otros materiales—una colección de cuentos y chistecillos fundamentalmente humorísticos titulada Hada’iq al-azahir. El presente artículo se propone sacar a la luz parte de la abundante cantidad de elementos folclóricos reunidos en este repertorio esencial en el estudio de los cuentos en la literatura y el folclore españoles, que aporta al folclore universal versiones y variantes de tipos hasta ahora no documentadas.


At the end of the 14th century, Ibn ’Asim (d. 1426), a widely known jurist and man of letters from Granada, composed the work Hada’iq al-azahir, a collection of mostly humorous tales and jokes (among other materials). This article serves to bring to light just a part of the abundant folkloric materials collected in this work, which is considered essential for studying both Spanish folklore and the genre of short stories in Spanish literature. This work provides folklore with both universal versions and variants of previously undocumented types of short stories.

