In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Alloa, Emmanuel. Resistance of the Sensible World: An Introduction to Merleau-Ponty. Translated by Jane Marie Todd. New York: Fordham University Press, 2017. Pp. xxii + 128. Paper, $28.00.
Baker, Patrick. Biography, Historiography, and Modes of Philosophizing. The Renaissance Society of America, 7. Leiden: Brill, 2017. Pp. ix + 412. Cloth, $149.00.
Bernstein, Alan E. Hell and Its Rivals: Death and Retribution among Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Early Middle Ages. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2017. Pp. xvi + 392. Cloth, $45.00.
Bloom, Laurence. The Principle of Non-contradiction in Plato's Republic: An Argument for Form. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2017. Pp. lii + 219. Cloth, $100.00.
Dastur, Françoise. Questions of Phenomenology: Language, Alterity, Temporality, Finitude. Translated by Robert Vallier. New York: Fordham University Press, 2017. Pp. xviii + 250. Paper, $32.00.
Dejnožka, Jan. Bertrand Russell on Modality and Logical Relevance. Second edition. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015. Pp. xvi + 650. Paper, $22.95.
Dufrese, Todd. The Late Sigmund Freud: Or, The Last Word on Psychoanalysis, Society, and All the Riddles of Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Pp. 294. Paper, £24.99.
Engelmann, Edward M. Nature and the Artificial: Aristotelian Reflections on the Operative Imperative. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2017. Pp. vi + 177. Cloth, $90.00.
Fagniez, Guillaume, and Sylvain Camilleri, editors. Dilthey et L'Histoire. Annales De L'Institut de Philosophie de Bruxelles. Series Editor, Gilbert Hottois. Paris: Vrin, 2016. Pp. 196. Paper, 18.00.
Garff, Joakim. Kierkegaard's Muse: The Mystery of Regine Olsen. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017. Translated by Alastair Hannay. Pp. xviii + 314. Cloth, $32.95.
Giglioni, Guido, James A. T. Lancaster, Sorana Corneanu, and Dana Jalobeanu, editors. Francis Bacon on Motion and Power. International Archives of the History of Ideas, 218. Series editor, Sarah Hutton. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016. Pp. viii + 312. Cloth, $179.00.
Gill, Christopher. Plato's Atlantis Story. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2017. Pp. 216. Cloth, £85.00.
Green, Alexander. The Virtue Ethics of Levi Gersonides. Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2016. Pp. xxiv + 196. Cloth, $99.99.
Guyer, Paul. Virtues of Freedom: Selected Essays on Kant. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. xxii + 314. Paper, $40.00.
Hammerstaedt, Jürgen, Pierre-Marie Morel, and Refik Güremen, editors. Diogenes of Oinoanda: Epicureanism and Philosophical Debates/Diogène d'Œnoanda: Épicurisme et controverses. Ancient and Medieval Philosophy series 55. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2017. Pp. xxvi + 321. Cloth, 90.00.
Harding, Brian. Not Even a God Can Save Us Now: Reading Machiavelli after Heidegger. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017. Pp. xiv + 206. Paper, $34.95.
Heath, Eugene, and Byron Kaldis, editors. Wealth, Commerce, & Philosophy: Foundational Thinkers and Business Ethics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. Pp. xii + 438. Paper, $45.00.
Helfer, Ariel. Socrates and Alcibiades: Plato's Drama of Political Ambition and Philosophy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. Pp. viii + 222. Cloth, $59.95.
Heller-Roazen, Daniel. No One's Ways: An Essay on Infinite Naming. New York: Zone Books, 2017. Pp. 335. Cloth, $32.95.
Hickman, Louise. Eighteenth-Century Dissent and Cambridge Platonism: Reconceiving the Philosophy of Religion. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion 16. New York: Routledge, 2017. Pp. x + 212. Cloth, $140.00.
Ives, Charles. Socrates' Request and the Educational Narrative of the Timaeus. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2017. Pp. xiv + 111. Cloth, $85.00. [End Page 747]
Jacovides, Michael. Locke's Image of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. xxiv + 231. Cloth, $70.00.
Jolley, Nicholas. Toleration and Understanding in Locke. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. Pp. x + 175. Cloth, $70.00.
Jordan, Will R., editor. Promise and Peril: Republics and Republicanism in the History of Political Philosophy. Macon: Mercer University Press, 2017. Pp. x + 177. Paper, $24.00.
Kenny, Anthony. The Aristotelian Ethics: A Study of the Relationship between the Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle. Second edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. Pp. xvi + 321. Paper, $40.00.
Kriegel, Uriah, editor. The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. New York: Routledge, 2017. Pp. viii + 399. Cloth, $220.00.
Lebens, Samuel. Bertrand Russell and the Nature of Propositions: A History and Defence of the Multiple Relation Theory of Judgement. Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy 42. New...

