In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Books Reviewed/Index des ouvrages recensés
Abley, Mark, The Tongues of Earth, 58
Adam, Monique, Parures de la disgrâce, 369
Adams, Hollie, Things You've Inherited from Your Mother, 21–22
Ah-Sen, Jean Marc, Grand Menteur, 1, 7–8, 22
Alexis, André, Fifteen Dogs, 29–30, 41
Allen, Thomas and Jennifer Blair, eds., Material Cultures in Canada, 272–74
Allfrey, Ellah Wakatama, ed., Let's Tell This Story Properly: An Anthology of the Commonwealth Short Story Prize, 22
Amato, Sarah, Beastly Possessions: Animals in Victorian Consumer Culture, 234–35
Anand, Madhur, A New Index for Predicting Catastrophes, 48–50, 58
Ando, Clifford, Roman Social Imaginaries: Language and Thought in Contexts of Empire, 284–85
Andrew, Suzanne Alyssa, Circle of Stones, 22
Andreyez, Samuel, The Relativistic Empire, 58
Andrusyshyn, Larissa, Proof, 58
Annovi, Gian Maria and Flora Ghezzo, eds., Anna Maria Ortese: Celestial Geographies, 194–95
April, Jean-Pierre, Méchantes menteries et vérités vraies, 334–35, 350
Arcan, Nelly, Breakneck, 101
Archibald, Samuel, Arvida, 101
Atwood, Margaret, The Heart Goes Last,30–31, 41
Auger, Marie, Carapace, 313–314, 318
Azzopardi, Tara, Last Stop, Lonesome Town, 58
Baltruschat, Doris and Mary P. Erickson, eds., Independent Filmmaking around the Globe, 266–68
Banks, Shelley, Exile on a Grid Road, 58
Barber, Marilyn and Murray Watson, Invisible Immigrants: The English in Canada since 1945, 185–87
Barger, John Wall, The Book of Festus, 58
Baril Pelletier, François, Déserts bleus, 369
Barr, Elinor, Swedes in Canada: Invisible Immigrants, 190–92
Barrett, Paul, Blackening Canada:Diaspora, Race, Multiculturalism, 107–108
Barwin, Gary, I, Dr. Greenblatt, Orthodontist, 251–1457, 41
Barzanji, Jalal, Trying Again to Stop Time, 88, 101
Battershill, Andrew, Pillow, 2, 13–14, 22
Battler, Lesley, Endangered Hydrocarbons, 58
Beaulieu, Victor-Lévy, 666 – Friedrich Nietzsche. Dithyrambe beublique, 400–05
Beckman-Long, Brenda, Carol Shields and the Writer-Critic, 173–75
Bédard, Éric, Recours aux sources. Essais sur notre rapport au passé, 397–98 [End Page 439]
Beecher, Donald, Travis De Cook, Andrew Wallace, and Grant Williams, eds., Taking Exception to the Law: Materializing Injustice in Early Modern English Literature, 155–57
Bélanger, Paul, Des amours, 369
Benini, Stefania, Pasolini: The Sacred Flesh, 129–30
Bentley, G.E., Jr., The Edwardses of Halifax: The Making and Selling of Beautiful Books in London and Halifax, 1749–1826, 232–33
Berger, Benjamin L., Law's Religion: Religious Difference and the Claims of Constitutionalism, 224–26
Bernstein, Sarah, Now Comes the Lightning, 58
Bérubé, Renald, Brève histoire de la nouvelle (short story) aux États-Unis, 419–22
Besel, Donna, Lessons from a Nude Man, 3, 13, 22
Bewell, Alan, Neil Ten Kortenaar, and Germaine Warkentin, eds., Educating the Imagination: Northrop Frye Past, Present, and Future, 222–24
Biello, Tina, A Housecoat Remains, 58
Bien, Jeff, In a Time of No Song, 58
Blais, François, Cataonie, 345–46, 349, 350
Blais, Geneviève, La rivière jusqu'aux genoux, 369
Bock, Maxime Raymond, Des lames de pierre, 338, 350
Bök, Christian, The Xenotext Book 1, 48–50, 58
Bondavalli, Simona, Fictions of Youth:Pier Paolo Pasolini, Adolescence, Fascisms, 131–32
Bondy, Renee, Tracey Penny Light, and Jane Nicholas, eds., Feminist Pedagogy in Higher Education: Critical Theory and Practice, 180–82
Boschman, Robert and Mario Trono, eds., Found in Alberta: Environmental Themes for the Anthropocene, 150–52
Bouchard, Claude, Légers fantômes, 369
Bouchard, Gérard, Interculturalism: A View from Quebec, 147–48
Bouchard, Gérard, Raison et déraison du mythe. Au cœur des imaginaires collectifs, 391–94
Bouchard, Julie, Nuageux dans l'ensemble, 333–34, 350
Bouchard, Louise, Images, 92–93, 101
Bouchard, Louise, Personne et le soleil, 364–65, 369
Bouchard, Michel Marc, La divine illusion, 375–76, 382
Bouchard, Michel Marc, The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt, 98–100, 101
Boudreault, Simon, En cas de pluie, aucun remboursement, 372, 382
Boulerice, Simon, Procès-verbal, 354, 369
Bouvier, Rita, nakamowin'sa for the seasons, 58
Bowering, George, The World, I Guess,58
Bradford, Clare and Mavis Reimer, eds., Girls, Texts, Cultures, 115–17
Braid, Kate, Rough Ground Revisited, 58
Brand, Dionne, Ossuaires, [Ossuaries], 369
Braz, Albert...

