In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Eighteenth-Century Studies


Steve Pincus, Yale University

Carolyn C. Guile, Colgate University
Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach

Amy Dunagin, Yale University

Claire Baldwin, Colgate University


Editor’s Introduction
1.............................. STEVE PINCUS
5.............................. ASHLEY L. COHEN
The “Aristocratic Imperialists” of Late Georgian and Regency Britain
27............................ KATHRYN DESPLANQUE
A Satirical Image against Jean-Baptiste Greuze: Celebrity, Printmaking, and the Public Woman
53............................ MICHAEL GAVIN
Historical Text Networks: The Sociology of Early English Criticism
81............................ ANDREW McKENDRY
“No Parallels from Hebrew Times”: Troubled Typologies and the Glorious Revolution in Daniel Defoe’s Williamite Poetry
141.......................... JESSICA CHOPPIN RONEY
Introduction: Street and Global Perspectives on the City
155.......................... JULIA H. FAWCETT
Unmapping London: Urbanization and the Performance of Personal Space in Aphra Behn’s The Lucky Chance
173.......................... SHIRINE HAMADEH
Invisible City: Istanbul’s Migrants and the Politics of Space
195.......................... EMMA HART
City Government and the State in Eighteenth-Century South Carolina
213.......................... ANNETTE JOSEPH-GABRIEL
Mobility and the Enunciation of Freedom in Urban Saint-Domingue
231.......................... ELAINE TIERNEY
“Dirty Rotten Sheds”: Exploring the Ephemeral City in Early Modern London
269.......................... MICHAEL HOBERMAN
Home of the Jewish Nation: London Jews in the Eighteenth-Century Anglo-American Imagination
289.......................... MARY McALPIN
Rape in Paradise: Naturalizing Sexual Violence in Diderot’s Tahitian Reverie
361.......................... BRYAN A. BANKS
Real and Imaginary Friends in Revolutionary France: Quakers, Political Culture, and the Atlantic World
381.......................... JOHN RICHARDSON
War, Lyric Poetry, and Politics in the Eighteenth Century
401.......................... TRISTAN J. SCHWEIGER
Grainger’s West Indian Planter: Property and Authority in The Sugar-Cane
417.......................... JOHN ZILCOSKY
Learning How to Get Lost: Goethe in Italy
Srinivas Aravamudan: Reflections
101.......................... LAURA BROWN
From Tropicopolitan to Anthropocene
104.......................... JONATHAN CULLER
Srinivas Aravamudan
107.......................... JODY GREENE
The Sword That Cuts Two into One
110.......................... SUVIR KAUL
Srinivas Aravamudan: A Tribute
113.......................... JOSEPH ROACH
Srinivas Aravamudan, Principal Investigator
117.......................... DEBORAH KENNEDY
Vigée Le Brun Exhibition Review
Anniversary Roundtable: The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution at Fifty
303.......................... ERIC SLAUTER
The Literature of Revolution and the Origins of Ideological Origins
308.......................... CAROLINE WINTERER
The Importance of Being Ideological
314.......................... ERIC NELSON
The Ideological Origins and the History of Political Thought
317.......................... ALISON L. LaCROIX
The Mood of the Cave: The Intellectual Legacy of Ideological Origins
321.......................... CRAIG YIRUSH
Bailyn, the Republican Interpretation, and the Future of Revolutionary Scholarship
Anniversary Roundtable: The New Eighteenth Century at Thirty
327.......................... LAWRENCE LIPKING
New Eighteenth Centuries
330.......................... DANIEL O’QUINN
New Chronologies
334.......................... KATHLEEN LUBEY
Reading in The New Eighteenth Century
337.......................... JESS KEISER
The Passion for the New
Review Articles
121.......................... Jeremy Black
Images of Power
Cecil Courtney and Jenny Mander, eds., Raynal’s “Histoire des deux Indes”: Colonialism, Networks and Global Exchange; Neil Ramsey and Gillian Russell, eds., Tracing War in British Enlightenment and Romantic Culture
122.......................... Kathleen Tamayo Alves
Aiming for Total History in Eighteenth-Century Medicine
Sabine Arnaud, On Hysteria: The Invention of a Medical Category between 1670 and 1820; Adrian Wilson, Ideas and Practices in the History of Medicine, 1650–1820
253.......................... Jeremy Black
Organizing Matters
John Adams, Papers of John Adams, Volume 18: December 1785–January 1787. The Adams Papers, ed. Gregg L. Lint (series editor), Sara Martin, C. James Taylor, Sara Georgini, Hobson Woodward, Sara B. Sikes, and Amanda Mathews Norton; Christopher Tozzi, Nationalizing France’s Army: Foreign, Black, and Jewish Troops in the French Military, 1715–1831; Chad Wellmon, Organizing Enlightenment: Information Overload and the Invention of the Modern Research University
255.......................... JEREMY BLACK
Probing the Boundaries
Sophie Bourgault and Robert Sparling, eds., A Companion to Enlightenment Historiography; Benjamin Schmidt, Inventing Exoticism: Geography, Globalism, and Europe’s Early Modern World
341.......................... BEVERLY LEMIRE
The Power of “Things” in Eighteenth-Century Societies
Kate Smith, Material Goods, Moving Hands: Perceiving Production in England, 1700–1830; Stacey Sloboda, Chinoiserie: Commerce and Critical Ornament in Eighteenth-Century Britain; Bert de Munck and Dries Lyna, eds., Concepts of Value in European Material Culture, 1500–1900
437.......................... Catriona Seth
French Letters: Graffigny...

