In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

An Annotated Chaucer Bibliography 1977-1978 Compiled by John H. Fisher University of Tennessee With the assistance of: Martha Waller, Butler University; Robert ap Roberts, California State University, Northridge; Ginger Scott Zelk, Central Missouri State Univer­ sity; David Richardson, Cleveland State University; Edmund Reiss, David G. Allen, David W. Hiscoe, Christopher B. Kennedy, Duke University; Judson Boyce Allen, Marquette University; Robert Raymo, New York University; Beverly Taylor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Christine G. Pearcy, Nan Arbuckle, J. Lane Goodall, Nancy Zorn, University of Oklahoma; Stanley Hauer, University ofSouthern Mississippi; Claire Clements, Philip Gibson, Steven Jones, Penelope Minick, Carolyn Popp, Victoria Posey, Stephen Steadman, Michael Tierce, Cand­ ance Weaver-Wages, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; James Wimsatt, Clare Colquitt, Paula Marks, University of Texas, Austin; Werner Beis, University of Trier; Constance Heiatt, University of Western Ontario. This bibliography continues those ofEleanor P. Hammond, Chaucer: A Bibliographical Manual [to 1908], New York: Peter Smith, 1933; D. D. Griffith, Bibliography of Chaucer 1908-1953, Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press, 1955; W. R. Crawford, Bibliography of Chaucer 1954-1963, Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press, 1967; Lorrayne Y. Baird, Bibliography of Chaucer 1964-1973, Boston: G. K. Hall, 1977; andJ. H. Fisher, Bibliography for 1963-1974 in The Complete Poetry and Prose ofGeoffrey Chaucer, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977. The annotations are based upon the 1977 and 1978 listings in the MLA International Bibliography. The 1979 New Chaucer Society Year­ book, Studies in the Age ofChaucer (SAC) carried an annotated bibliogra­ phy for 1975-1976. It is planned that the Yearbook for 1981 will carry a bibliography for 1979 and that coverage will be in single year increments thereafter. 221 STUDIES JN THE AGE OF CHAUCER Additions and corrections to this list should be sent to John H. Fisher, Department of English, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 37916. Authors' own annotations (50 words for articles; 100 words for books) are welcome. Preferably they should be sent on 5 x 8 index cards, and comply with the form of SAC's published entries; for a list of abbreviations for Chaucer's works see page 288. We will search the major journals for reviews published in any given year. However, authors are urged to send citations to reviews which might otherwise be overlooked. 222 Classifications Bibliographies and Dictionaries 1-7 Biography and Background 8-11 Manuscripts and Early Editions 12-18 Language-Social Implications, Relation to French 19-27 Language-Lexicon 28-32 Language-Pronunciation and Syntax 33-35 Prosody 36-41 Rhetoric 42-43 Continental and Latin Influences 44-52 Native Influences 53-54 Chaucer's Influence 55-68 Modern Criticism, The Persona 69-77 Illustrations and Iconography 78-82 Imagery 83-85 Canterbury Tales-Evolution and Structure 86-89 CT-The Fabliaux, Genre, Moral Vision 90-100 CT-The Pilgrims 101-08 CT-Hagiography 109-11 CT-The Marriage Argument 112-16 CT-The Knight and His Tale 117-24 CT-The Miller and His Tale 125-28 CT-The Reeve and His Tale 129-30 CT-The Man of Law and His Tale 131-32 CT-The Wife of Bath and Her Tale 133-42 CT-The Summoner and His Tale 143 CT-The Clerk and His Tale 144-52 CT-The Merchant and His Tale 153-63 CT-The Squire and His Tale 164-66 CT-The Franklin and His Tale 167-71 CT-The Physician and His Tale 172-74 CT-The Pardoner and His Tale 175-83 CT-The Shipman and His Tale 184-88 CT-The Prioress and Her Tale 189-95 CT-The Tale of Me!ibee CT-The Monk and His Tale 196-98 223 STUDIES IN THE AGE OF CHAUCER CT-The Nun's Priest and His Tale 199-207 CT-The Second Nun and Her Tale 208-11 CT-The Canon's Yeoman and His Tale 212-13 CT-The Manciple and His Tale 214-15 CT-The Parson's Tale and Retraction 216-17 Troilus and Criseyde-Structure and Narrative Technique 218-21 TC-Style and Literary Relations 222-25 TC-Philosophical Coloring 226-29 TC----Characterization 230-38 TC-Explications 239---40 Book of the Duchess 241---47 Parliament of Fowls 248...

