In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

S C A N Kenneth King for William-John Tudor SCAN all the ways preconceptions about spacetime limit the operations and perceptions of spacetime ... SCAN the ways computers, cable, satellites, microchips, word processors, cellular telephones, and space radios will alter and transform our perception (of p-e-r-c-e-p-t-i-o-n), then conception (of c-o-n-c-e-p-t-i-o-n) and the operations of spacetime ... SCAN the movements and integrating actions of eye, gaze, frame, perspective, horizon, and dimension in the frontier seeing of cosmos, crystal, and creation... SCAN the movements of bodies across a room, stage or screen, a beam through and across space, how to "read" a dance, a dance within a dance, a space within a space, a field within a field, a text within a text ... SCAN the saccadic focusing, seeing, fixating processes and assemblage analogue actions of eye, flexions of gaze while reading: word clusters, infrastructural registers, components and increments, semiotic configurations, electronic newspapers, informational continuums, data clusters ... SCAN grocery scanners, product scanners, market scanners, inventory scanners, memory scanners, picture scanners, information scanners, concept and dance scanners, operations scanners, scanning scanners . .. SCAN the brain scanners (CAT scanners), mind scanners, magnetic and electromagnetic scanners, cellular scanners (new alternatives to x-rays and radiation) . .. 100 N SCAN instant newspaper mosaic, data space exchange, telekinetic montages, information assemblage continuums, moveable and mobile typographies, superaction print, permutating codes, rapid teaching transfers, rapid telemetry, rapid travel, and digital p-u-1-s-e ... SCAN energy resource parameters: solar, photovoltaic, geothermal, fiber optics options (replacing wires and networks of costly cables), semiconductors, solarcells, microchips, lasers, and microprocessors ... SCAN new industries like oceanics, bioecology, hydroponics, solar power, aerospace and astrophysics, space engineering, kinemathics, genetic sciences, mimetic mindfields, artificial intelligence, electroeidetics ... SCAN all the ways brain, body, and central nervous system project p-r-o-j-e-c-t-i-o-n and conceive c-o-n-c-e-p-t-i-o-n (eidetics, mimetics, telekinetrics) ... SCAN the transmedia telecommunications revolution: the contours and extendabilities of signs, signals, fields, grammars, geographies, graphologies, typographies, ideologies, psyches, psychologies, religions, systems, m-e-t-a-s-y-s-t-e-m-s . . . SCAN the movements of camera, lens, axis, informational retrievers and trackers, the simultaneous synchrony and syncopation of segments and scenes, screen, and scapes with automatic data printout sweeps of integers, spectrums, and ingredient analyses, menus manipulation, choices, matrix selections ... SCAN S - P - A - C - E - the heavens, planets, exploding stars, distant flickering nebulae, constellations, galactic rotations, quasars, pulsars, nova phenomena ... SCAN the actions, parameters, and coordination of tropisms: ecotropisms, biotropisms, electrotropisms, psychotropisms, teletropisms throughout all the realms and registers of earth, body, nature, planet, cosmos . . . SCAN realms, regions, zones, domains, discourses, orders, sets, categories, clusters, principles, strata, correlates of . .. correlates, strata, principles, clusters, categories, sets, orders, discourses, domains, zones, regions, realms . .. SCAN the sky scanners, radiotelescopes, astronomical paradoxes (telescopic appearances, spatial illusions, time delays, warp and torque, light refraction), the mysteries of the Crab Nebulae, the Van Allen Belts, wave and particle theory, transmission of light, quasars, lasers . .. KING / Scan U 101 SCAN how all the telelectrocommunications systems, data processing, systems engineering, artificial intelligence, compression modes, interface ratios, hookups that put computers, television, cable, satellites, telephones, mail relay and post offices, libraries, information banks, retrieval and routing (rerouting) systems on line, which will absorb and transform education and entertainment, body and field perception, nationalisms, resource analysis, governments ... SCAN the new s u p e r s y s t e m s, pulse code modulation metrics, data relays, transfer tracers and trackers, facsimile transmission services, on line buying ... SCAN the syncrosynoptic reconnaissance and radar relay systems scanning (other) radar and scanning systems, collating unexplainable radio signals, stellar-strobed satellite syncopation emitted by and from . . . universe .. SCAN the high frequency actions of pulse and impulse, signal and sign, signal and circuit, circuit and conduit, conduit and connector, connector and condenser, condenser and adaptor, adaptor and trigger, trigger and switches, switches and releases, functions and protocol of and between blips and blinks, intervals and i n t e r r u p t i o n s between hemispheres and polarity of brain, planet, body, system ... SCAN...

