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438 BOOKS RECEIVED/LIVRES REc;US BERNADETE, Seth. Socrates Seco nd Sail ing: On Plato's Republi c. Chicago: The University of Chi cago Press, 1989. Pp. ix + 238. Hardcover, US $29 .95, 0-22604242 -1 . BLUNDELL, Mary Whitl~ck. Helping Friends and Harming Enemies: A Study in Sophocle s and Greek Ethi cs. New York: Cambridge Uni versity Press, 1989. Pp. xii + 298. Hardcov er, 0-521 -35116-2. BOWER, Calv in M. (trans.) . Anicius Manlius Seve rinus Boethiu s Fundament als of Mu sic. With introduction and notes. Edited by Cl aude V. Palisca. Ne w Haven: Yale University Pre ss, 1989. Pp. xliv + 205. Frequ ent diagrams. Hard cov er, US $32 .50 , 0-300-0394 3-3. BRACHT BRANHAM, R. Unruly Eloquence: Lucian and the Comedy of Traditions. Revealing Antiquity 2. Cambridge, Ma ssachusetts: Harvard Univ ersit y Pre ss, 1989. Pp. 279. Hardcov er, US $27.50, 0-674 -93035 -5. CASSON, Lionel (ed. ). Th e Per iplu s Mari s Erythrae i. Text with intr odu ct ion , translation and commentary. Princeton : Prin ceton Univ ersity Press, 1989 . Pp . xvii + 320 . Hardcover, US $49.95, 0-691 -040 60-5. CONACHER, DJ. (ed.) . Eur ipid es Alces tis. Text wit h introduction, translation and commentary. Warminst er, U.K.: Ari s and Ph illips, 1988. Distribut ed by Humanities Pres s Int ern ational. Pp. iv + 202 . Hard cov er, US $49.95, 0-8566 8234 -9; paper, US $16 .50, 0-85668-235-7. CROPP, Martin J. (ed .). Eurip ides Electra . Text with introduction, translation and commentary. Warminster, U.K. : Aris and Phillips, 1988. Di stributed by Humanities Press. Pp. lxii + 194 . Hard cov er, US $49 .95 , 0-85668-238-1; paper, US $16.50, 0-8566 8-239 -X . DAVIES, Roy W. Service in the Roman Arm y. Coll ected papers edited by David Bree ze and Valerie A. Maxfield . New York : Columbia Uni versity Press, 1989. Pp. xii + 336. Hardcover, US $69,0-23 1-06992-8. DIETZ, Ser en and PAPACHRISTODOULOU, Joannis (cd.). Archaeology in the Dodecanese. Proceedings of a sympo sium held in Copenh agen in Apr il 1986. 31 contributions in English , French, Germ an and Italian. Copenhage n: The Nation al Museum of Denm ark, 1988. Pp. 260. Frequent illu strations. Paper, Dkr. 325, 87 -4 80 -0626-2. BOOKS RECEIVED/LIVRES RE<;US 439 FRIER, Bru ce W. A Casebook on the Roman Law of Deli ct . Am eri can Philological Associ ation Classical Resource Series 2. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989 . Pp. x + 267. Hard cover, $17 .95, 1-55540-266 -6; paper US $10.95, 15554 0-267-4 . To accompany thi s caseboo k the author has prepared a set of teaching-not es which may be obtained free of charge. GRA Y, Vivienne. The Charact er of Xenophon's ll ellenica. Baltimore: The Johns Hopk ins University Press. 1989 . Pp. x + 2 16. Hard cover, US 532. 50, 0-801 83809 - 6. GRENE, David and O'FLAHERTY, Wend y Doniger (trans.) The Orest eia by Aes chy lus. A new translation for the theatre with introductions by the tran slator and Nichola s Rudall. Chicago: Th e Unive rsity of Chicago Press, 1989. Pp. xi + 249. Hardcover, US 532 .50,0-226 -0077 1-5; paper, US 510.95, 0-226 -00772 -2. HOLT, F.L. Alexander the Great and Bactria: Th e Form ation of a Fronti er in Central As ia. Mnemosyne Supplement 104 . Leiden: Brill, 1988. Pp, x + 114. Paper, US 525, 90 -04 -0816 2-9. KASTER, Robert A. Guardians of the Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiq uity. T he Transfor mati on of the Classical Her itage volume II . Berk eley and Los Angeles: The University of California Press, 1988. Pp. xxi + 524. Hard cover, US 565, 0-520 -055 35 -7. LLOYD, G.E.R. The Revolutions of Wisdom: Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science. Sather Cla ss ica l Lectur es volume 52 . Berk eley and Los Ange les: Th e Unive rsity of California Press, 1989 . Pp. xii + 468. Hardcover, US 54 5, 0-520-05832-1 . MAAS. Martha and SN YDE R, Jane Mci ntosh . Stringed Instru ments of Ancient G ree c e . New Haven: Yale Uni versi ty Press, 1989 . Pp . xx + 26 1. 161 illustrations. Hardcover. US 545. 0-300 -0368 8-8. MASSEY. Michael. Women in Ancient Greece ami Rome. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. iv + 36. Text for children with frequ ent illu stra tions. Paper, US 54 .95,0-521 -3 1807 -6. McK ECH NI E. Paul. Outsiders in the Greek Cities of the Fourth Century BC , Lond on and New York: Routledge, 1989 . Pp. viii + 231. Hardcover, £25. 0-4 1500340 -7 . 440 BOOKSRECEIVED/LIVRES RE<;US McKECHNIE, P.R. and KERN, SJ. (eds.). Hellenica Oxyrhynchia. Text with introduction, translation and commentary. Warminster, U.K.: Aris and Phillips, 1988. Distributed by Humanities Press International. Pp. iv + 187. 7 maps. Hardcover, US $49.95, 0-85668-357-4; paper, US $18.50, 0-85668-358-2. McKEOWN, J.C. (ed.). Ovid Amores, Text, Prolegomena and Commentary: Volume 1, Text and Prolegomena. ARCA Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 20. Leeds: Francis Cairns, 1987. pp.x + 220. Hardcover, £25, 0-905205-69-3. McKEOWN, J.C. Ovid Amores, Text, Prolegomena and Commentary : Volume 2, a Commentary on Book One. ARCA Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 22. Leeds: Francis Cairns, 1989. Pp. xxvi + 421. Hardcover, £45, 0-905205-71-5. MOLES, 1. L. (ed.). Plutarch Lives: Cicero. Text with introduction, translation and commentary. Warminster, U.K.: Aris and Phillips, 1988. Distributed by Humanities Press International. Pp. 210. Hardcover, US $49.95, 0-85668-360-4; paper, US $19.95, 0-85668-361 -2. PLACE, Robin. The Romans Fact and Fiction: Adventures in Roman Britain. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 30 pages of text for children, with frequent illustrations . Hardcover , US $9.95, 0-521-33267-2; paper, US $4.95, 0521 -33787-9. POWELL, Anton (ed.). Classical Sparta: Techniques behind her Success. A collection of seven papers given to the London ~lassical Society with a foreword by Paul Cartledge. London and New York: Routledge, 1989. Pp. xiv + 196. Hardcover, £25, 0-415-00339 -3. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY 214 n.s. 34 (1988). 9 contributions. Pp. 153. PROCEEDINGS OF THE VIRGIL SOCIETY 19 (1988). Memorial volume in honour of R.D. Williams . 9 contributions . pp. iv + 77. ROSEN, Stanley. The Ancients and the Moderns: Rethinking Modernity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. Pp. x + 236. Hardcover, US $22.50, 0-30004331 -7. BOOKS RECEIVED/LIVRES REC;US 441 SANSONE, David (ed.). Plutarch Lives: Aristeides and Cato. Text with introduction, translation and commentary. Warminster, U.K.: Aris and Phillips. Distributed by Humanities Press International. Pp. 242. Hardcover, US $49.95, 0-85668-421-X; paper, US $19.95, 0-85668-422-8. SHOTTER, D.C.A. (ed.). Tacitus Annals N. Text with introduction, translation and commentary. Warminster, U.K.: Aris and Phillips, 1989. Distributed by Humanities Press International. pp.xvii + 207. Hardcover, US $49.95, 0-85668403 -1; paper, US $19.95, 0-85668-404 -X. STOK, Fabio. Percorsi dell' esegesi virgiliana: Due richerche sull'Eneide . Testi e studi di cultura classica proposti da Giorgio Brugnoli e Guido Paduano. Pisa: ETC Editrice , 1988. pp. 197. Paper, 88-7741-000. TESTER, S.J. (ed.). Fides quaerens intellectum: Medieval Philosophy from Augustine to Ockham . Wauconda, Illinois: Bolchazy -Carducci Publishers, 1989. pp. 156. Paper, US $15, 0-865160221-2 . THOMPSON, Lloyd A. Romans and Blacks . London and New York: Routledge, 1989. Pp. xii + 253. Hardcover, £25, 0-415-03185-0. WIEDEMANN, Thomas. Adults and Children in the Roman Empire. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. Pp. xii + 221. 12 illustrations. Hardcover, US $27.50 , 0-300-043805. NEW EDmONS/NOUVElLES EDmONS DETIENNE, Marcel. Dionysos at Large. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Revealing Antiquity 1. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1989. Pp. 90. Hardcover, US $16.95, 0-674-20773 -4. Originally published as Dionysos aciel ouvert (Paris 1986). FEHLING, Detlev. Herodotus and his 'Sources': Citation, Invention and Narrative Art. Translated by J.G. Howie. ARCA Classical and Medieval texts, Papers and Monographs 21. Leeds : Francis Cairns Publications, 1989. Pp. x + 277. Hardcover, £30, 0-905205-70 -7. Originally published as Die Quellenangabe bei Herodot (Berlin 1971). MODRAK, Deborah K.W. Aristotle: The Power of Perception Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1989. Pp. x + 249. Paper, US $13.95, 0-22653339 -5. Originally published in 1987. ...

