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196 BOOK REVIEWS/COMPTES RENDUS into evidence for any kind of change. reform or restructuring. An even more significant failing is Cordiano's easy equation of the terms neaniskos and ephebos. Neaniskoi honor gymnasiarchs in the inscriptions from Eloros and Neeton. while at Tauromenion they pass a decree authorizing the publication of the gymnasiarchs' accounts. In order to bolster his contention that the supposed "reform" of 5yracusan gymnasiarchies was directly connected to military training of ephebes. Cordiano considers the neaniskoi in these inscriptions to be nothing other than each city's ephebes. As his authority for this identification he cites Giulia 5acco's 1979 RFIC artic1e on neaniskoi in the Hellenistic period

