In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Corrigendum

Corrections to Brian Conway, 2016, “Contexts of Trends in the Catholic Church’s Male Workforce: Chile, Ireland, and Poland Compared,” Social Science History 40(3): 405–432.

  1. 1. Ireland, Table 1, p. 416 and lines 5 and 10, p. 425

    “3.37” should be “3.01” and “100.70” should be “90.34”.

  2. 2. Poland, Table 1, p. 416

    “0.17” (ordination rates T1) should be “0.18”, “0.17” (1950s ordination rate) should be “0.18”, “0.12” (1960s ordination rate) should be “0.13”, “0.28” should be “1.99”, and “64.62” should be “58.89”.

  3. 3. line 11, p. 419

    “0.17” should be “0.18”.

  4. 4. Ordinations to diocesan priesthood in Poland, Table 2, p. 423

    “.03 (.01)*” should be “.02 (.01)*” and “-.00 (.03)” should be “-.00 (.02)”.

  5. 5. line 1, p. 423

    “0.28” should be “1.99”. [End Page 137]


