In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Most of the entries in this bibliography were catalogued in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) database between April 1, 2016 and July 31, 2016. This search is based largely on pre-publication information; titles may have been changed or cancelled.

Reference Works and Catalogs

Ailsby, Christopher. SS: Roll of Infamy. A Biographical Guide to Leading Members of the SS. London: Amber Books, 2015. 192 pp., ill.
Aktionskreis Kronacher Synagoge. Die Bambergers: Eine jüdische Familie aus Kronach. Katalog zur Ausstellung in der Kronacher Synagoge. Weidhausen, Germany: Schneider Printmedien, 2015. 109 pp.
Betz, Susanne Helene, and Niklas Michaela, eds. Österreichische Gedenkstätte, 1978–2013: Staatliches Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau. Vienna: Nationalfonds der Republik Österreich für Opfer des Holocaust, 2015. Austrians, Auschwitz, exhibitions.
Ceran, Tomasz Sylwiusz, and Izabela Mazanowska, eds. Zapomniani kaci Hitlera: “Samoobrona” Niemiecka na Pomorzu Gdańskim (Selbstschutz Westpreussen) w 1939 r. Katalog wystawy. Bydgoszcz, Poland: Oddziałowe Biuro Edukacji Publicznej IPN w Gdańsku. Delegatura, 2015. 42 pp., ill. Atrocities, Gdańsk, exhibitions.
Eschebach, Insa, and Katharina Zeiher, eds. Ravensbrück 1945: Der lange Weg zurück ins Leben. Ausstellungskatalog. Berlin: Metropol, 2016. 236 pp., ill., ind. Female concentration camp inmates, Germany, exhibitions.
Hammerschlag, Heiner. Mračno sjećanje: Portreti djece i mladih velikog formata Manfreda Bockelmanna—Crtežom protiv zaborava. Zagreb, Croatia: Printera grupa, 2016. 29 pp., ill. Holocaust, art, exhibitions.
Jalowik, Delfina. Polska—Izrael—Niemcy: Doświadczenie Auschwitz dzisiaj. Cracow: Muzeum Sztuki Wspólczesnej, 2015. 85 pp. + DVD. Auschwitz, art, exhibitions, concentration camps.
Khasapetian, S. English-Armenian Armenian-English Dictionary of Genocide Terms. Yerevan: EPH, 2015. 407 pp.
Lazonkas, Giōrgos. Holokauston kōdikes. Athens: Gavriēlidēs, 2015. 50 pp., ill. Holocaust, art, exhibitions.
Löhr, Hanns Christian. Das Braune Haus der Kunst: Hitler und der “Sonderauftrag Linz”: Kunstbeschaffung im Nationalsozialismus; mit einem Katalog verschollener Kunstwerke. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016. 434 pp., ill.
Marín, Guillermo. Vanguardias peligrosas: La Alemania nazi y la Italia fascista en Vitoria (1936–1939): Exposición 18 XI−9 XII 2015. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain: Fundación Sancho el Sabio, 2015. 12 pp., ill., bibl. Fascism, exhibitions.
Miron, Guy, ed. Enciclopedia de los guetos durante el Holocausto. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2015. 1,144 pp., ill.
Moreh-Rosenberg, Eliad, and Walter Smerling, eds. Kunst aus dem Holocaust: 100 Werke aus der Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem. Bonn: Stiftung für Kunst und Kulture, 2016. 389 pp., ill., bibl. Holocaust, art, catalogs. [End Page 563]
Musée virtuel de la Résistance en Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, 1940–1945. [France: 2015], 36 pp., ill.
Anti-Nazi movement, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, exhibitions.
Pastore, Stephen R., ed. Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf: A Descriptive Bibliography. New York: American Bibliographic Press, 2016. 792 pp., ill.
Rendell, Kenneth W., and Samantha Heywood. The Power of Anti-Semitism; The March to the Holocaust 1919–1939: An Exhibition by The Museum of World War II, Boston. Boston: Museum of World War II, 2016. 79 pp., ill.
Riedle, Andrea Schretter Lukas. Das Internationale Mahnmal von Nandor Glid: Idee, Wettbewerbe, Realisierung. Katalog zur Sonderausstellung. Berlin: Metropol, 2015. 132 pp., ill. Memorials, sculptors, Yugoslavia, exhibitions.
Stolpersteine in Frankfurt am Main: Zehn Rundgänge. Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel, 2016. 200 pp. Holocaust, memory, walking tour.
Tikhomirov, Alexander. Pamiati nevinno ubiennykh = In Memory of the Innocent Victims. Moscow: Fond naslediia khudozhnika A.D. Tikhomirova, 2015. 187 pp. Auschwitz, Holocaust, art, catalogs.
Walter, John. Guns of the Third Reich: The Small Arms of Hitler’s Armed Forces, 1933–1945. Stroud, UK: History Press, 2016. 252 pp., ill., bibl., ind.
Warsaw during the Holocaust: A Place and a Symbol. The New Historical Exhibition at the Ghetto Fighters’ House. Israel: Beit Lohamei Haghetaot, 2016. 17 pp., ill.
Waysbord, Hélène. Maison d’Izieu: L’exposition permanente. Lyon: Fage, 2015. 191 pp., ill., maps. Jewish children in the Holocaust, France, Izieu, exhibitions.

The Holocaust and Other Nazi-Era Crimes

Adam, Istvan Pal. Budapest Building Managers and the Holocaust in Hungary. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. xvi + 200 pp., ill.
Arakchiyska, Iva. Kann ein Mensch dabei untätig bleiben? Hilfe für verfolgte Juden in Bulgarien, 1940–1944. Berlin: Lukas, 2016. 208 pp. Holocaust, Bulgaria...

