In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Michelle Bumatay is an assistant professor of French at Beloit College, where her research and teaching focus on African and diasporic Francophone cultures, with an emphasis on French-language graphic novels. She has been published in European Comic Art and Alternative Francophone and has contributed chapters to comics studies anthologies on postcolonialism and immigration. The article for which she recently received the 4th Annual Lawrence R. Schehr Memorial Award is forthcoming in Contemporary French Civilizations.

Ellen Kirkpatrick (MPhil, Bristol University) is a PhD candidate in comics, culture, and identity at Kingston University, London. Her research examines representations of transforming superhero bodies to reveal how the conceptual radicalism of the superhero is handled in mainstream representational schemas. Her work also touches on the implications of the (un)dressed body in the performance of identity (fictional and real world) and the ways in which fantasy inspires and intersects with real-world politics, activism, and the role of the civic imagination. Her work has appeared in Transformative Works and Cultures, Cinema Journal, and InMediaRes, and in the edited collection Seeing Fans (edited by Lucy Bennett and Paul Booth).

Susan Ohmer is the William T. and Helen Kuhn Carey Associate Professor of Modern Communication in the Department of Film, Television, and Theatre at the University of Notre Dame. She serves as coeditor of The Moving Image, the journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists; her research focuses on the Disney studio and the Hollywood studio system.

Gregory Steirer is an assistant professor of English at Dickinson College. His main research fields are media industries, digital culture, video games, and comic books. His recent work has appeared in Television & New Media, Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics, Creative Industries Journal, Postmodern Culture, and the anthology Connected Viewing (edited by Jennifer Holt and Kevin Sanson). He is currently completing a monograph on corporate authorship, as well as coauthoring with Alisa Perren a book on Hollywood and the comics industry, to be published by BFI in 2018.

Benjamin Woo is assistant professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University. His research examines the production, circulation, and reception of comic books, graphic novels, and related media. He is coauthor (with Bart Beaty) of The Greatest Comic Book of All Time: Symbolic Capital and the Field of American Comic Books and coeditor (with Stuart R. Poyntz and Jamie Rennie) of Scene Thinking: Cultural Studies from the Scenes Perspective. [End Page 174]


