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THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY GHOST BY JOHN OF ST. THOMAS Translated from the Latin by JAMEs M. EGAN, O.P., and WALTER D. HuGHES, O.P. CHAPTER Ill* THE NATURE OF UNDERSTANDING I. By way of preface to this more specialized treatment· of the Gifts, it should be ·noted that it is not the burden of the present * OUTLINE OF CHAPTER III I. THE JUDGMENT INVOLVED IN THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDING A. The difficulties involved in explaining the judgment in Understanding I. From the very words of St. Thomas (3) ~.. From the seemingly unnecessary multiplication of habits (4) 8. From a dilemma concerning the mode of judgment in Understanding {5) 4. From a confusion of the Act of Understanding and the Act of Faith (6) 5. From the similarity of the judgment preceding Faith to the judgment of Understanding (7 and !;!) B. The doctrine of St. Thomas 1. The judgment in Understanding (9) a) Compared with the judgment of the habit of First Principles (10) b) Based on supernatural principles (11) c) Knowing the truth in propositions (a) d) .Possessing a "cleanness of heart" {13)· ~. An objection to the doctrine of St. Thomas (14) 8. Reply (15 and 16) 4. A question on the nature of the judgment in Understanding {17) 5. Response (18 and 19) 6. Another objection (20) 7. Reply (~1 and 22) C. The solution of the initial difficulties I. Reply to the first difficulty (23) ~. Reply to the second difficulty (24) 8. Reply to the third difficulty {25) 471 472 JOHN OF ST. THOMAS tract to discuss all the difficulties which might arise concerning each gift. The treatment given here is limited to subjects which 4. Reply to the fourth difficulty (26, 27 and 28) 5. Reply to the fifth difficulty (29, 30 and 31) IT. THE DURATION OF THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDING (32) A. The identity of this Gift in this life and in heaven (33) B. Difficulty concerning the permanence of Understanding (33) C. Solution of this difficulty I. From the general doctrine on the Gifts (34 and ·35) 2. From the general doctrine as applied to Understanding (36) 3. From additional notions on the two. types of Understanding (87 and 38) a) As evidenced in the example of subalternated sciences (89) b) As found in this life and in heaven (40) 4. From a recapitulation of the doctrine on the essential identity of the Gifts in this life and in heaven (41) a) In its formal motive (42) b) Despite its divine application (43) 5. From a distinction in the notion of the clarity involved in Understanding (44) m. THE AcT AND 0RJECTS OF THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDING A. The Act of Knowledge in the Gift of Understanding I. Rendering the soul connatural to its object (45) a) Called mystical knowledge (46) b) Described by St. Thomas (47) c) Described in Scripture (48) 2. Constituting a special habit (49) 3. Distinguishing Understanding from the other Gifts and the virtues (50) 4. Differing from. the Act of Faith a) By its penetration of its object (51 and 52) b) Through a loving experience (53) B. The objects of the Gift of Understanding I. In general (54) 2. In particular (55 and 56) 3. Difficulty concerning the " cleanness of heart " in Understanding (57) 4. Resolution of this difficulty (58) a) The true notion of "cleanness" in this Gift {59 and 60) b) An apt description of cleanness by St. Augustine (61 and 62) c) Recapitulation (63 and 64) THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY GHOST 473 cast light upon the necessity of the gifts and their distinction from the virtues. 2. Isaias assigned a certain primacy to Understanding and Wisdom when he wrote, There shall descend upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding.1 Yet these two gifts' are distinguished from Fa~th only with great difficulty. For it would seem that their entire function could be accomplished through the act of Faith. Moreover, distinguishing these gifts from one another raises the problem of assigning the act which is proper to Understanding and exclusive of Wisdom. It is certain, however, that these gifts are not limited to the scope of Faith and the present...

