In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Bernanos, G. Joy. New York: Pantheon Books, 1946. Pp. 297. $'2.75. Bruckmann, W. D. Keystones and Theories of Philosophy. New York: Benziger Brothers, i946. Pp. 238 with Diagrammatic Chart. Buckley, G. M. The Nature and Unity of Metaphysics. (The Catholic University of America Philosophical Studies, Vol. XCV.) Washington, D. C.: Catholic University Press, 1946. Pp. xv-261, with index. $3.00. Carroll, T. A. The Venerable Bede: llis Spiritual Teachings. (The Catholic University of America Studies in :Mediaeval History New Series Vol. LX) Washington, D. C.: Catholic University Press, 1946. Pp. 279, with index. Cripps, S. Towards Christian Democracy. New York: Philosophical Jjbrary, 19,i6. Pp. 101. $2.00. Foley, L.A. A Critique of the Philosophy of Being of Alfred North Whitehead in the Light of Thomistic Philosophy. {The Catholic University of America Philosophical Studies, Vol. XCIV.) Washington, D. C.: Catholic University Press, 1946. Pp. 181. $2.00. Gerber, W. The Domain of Reality. New York: King's Crown Press, 19·.1.6. Pp. 92, with index. $1.50. Grajewski, 1\f. J. The Formal Distinction of Duns Scotua. (The Catholic University of America Philosophical Series, Vol. XC.) Washington, D. C.: Catholic University Press, 1944. Pp. 2Q7, with index. $2.25. Gustafson, G. J. Th~ Theory of Natural if.ppetency in the Philosophy of St. Thomas. (The Catholic University of America Philosophical Series, Vol. LXXXIV.) Washington, D. C.: Catholic University Press, 19·14. Pp. 137, with index. Herbst, W. Be1·tha Baumann. St. Nazianz, Wisconsin: Salvatorian Press, 1946. Pp. 67. Hering, H. M. De Justitia Legali. Friburg, Switzerland. Typis Consociationis S. Pauli, 1944. Pp. 68, with index. Hering, H. M. Le Mythe de L'Etat. Friburg, Switzerland: Imprimerie St. Paul, 1945. Pp. 85. McCorry, V. P. Most Worthy of All Prai,se. New York: Declan X. McMullen , 1946. Pp. 192. $2.00. Moore, T. H. The Darkness is Passed. New York: Declan X. McMullen, 19,iff. Pp. 183. $2.00. 598 BOOKS RECEIVED 599 Nagle, U. Uncle George and Uncle Malachy. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1946. Pp. 183. $2.50. Phelan, G. B. Some Illustrations of St. Thomaa' Development of the Wisdom of St. Augustine. (The Mu Nu Sigma Lecture 1946, Mundelein College, Chicago.) Chicago: The Argus Press, 1946. Pp. 57, with notes. Renard, H. The Philosophy of Being. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1946. (Second edition, revised and enlarged). Pp. 272, with index. ...

