In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED A Newman Treasury. Chosen II.I1d Edited by C. E. Harrold. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1943. Pp. x +404, with bibliography. $4.00. Balz, Albert G. A. The Value Doctrine of Karl Marx. New York: :King'lil Crown Press, 1943. Pp. viii + 49. $.1.00. Coomaraswamy, A. K. Hinduism and Buddhism. New York: Philosophical Library, 1948. Pp. 86. De Koninck, Charles. Ego Sapientia, La Sagesse qui est Marie. Quebec, Canada: Editions de l'Universite Laval, 1943. Pp. 176. $1.00. Maritain, Jacques. Twilight of Civiliation. (Trans. by Lionel Landi'JT.) New York: Sheed & Ward, ll943. Pp. ix + 65. $JL50. Nef, John. U. Universities Look fuc.-, 1943. Pp. 42. $.50. Unity. New York: Pantheon Books, Osgniach, A. J., 0. S. B. The Chri:Jtian State. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1948. Pp. xix +356, with index. $3.75., Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 194!ill: Vol. XVIII: Truth in the Contemporary Crisis. Washington, D. C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1943. Pp. 223. $2.00. Rooney, Miriam T. "The Movement For a Neo-Scholasti.c Philosophy of Law in America: 1932-1942." Reprint from Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: 19.!,2. Scharfstein, Ben-Ami. Roots of BeTgson's Philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. ix + ll.56, with index. $1.75. Science, Philosophy and Religion. Third Symposium. New York: Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion, 1943. Pp. xix +438. The Confessions of St. Augustine. Trans. by F. J. Shee~:L New York: Sheed & Ward, 1943. Pp. mi + 354. $3.00. 284 ...

