In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Bergstraesser, A., ed., Goethe and the Modern Age. Chicago: Regnery, 1950. Pp. 414. $5.00. Bittle, C., Man and Morals. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1950. Pp. 7~9, with index. $4.00. Bochenski, I. M., Der Sowjetrussische Dialektische Materialismus. Bern: A. Francke, 1950. Pp. ~18, with index. S. Fr. 8.40. Brinton, C., Ideas and Men. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1950. Pp. 596, with index. $6.00. Caldin, E. F., The Power and Limits of Science. London: Chapman and Hall, 1!:150. Pp. ~05, with index. l~j6. Carnap, R., Logical Foundations of Probability. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1950. Pp. 6~4, with index and glossary. $1~.50. Copleston, F., History of Philosophy. Vol. II. Westminster: Newman Press, 1950. Pp. 6~4, with index. $4.50. Cornford, F. M., The Unwritten Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1950. Pp. 159. $2.75. Cronin, J. F., Catholic Social Principles. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1950. Pp. 831, with index. $6.00. De Chardin, T., L'Evolution Redemptrice. Paris: Les Editions du Cedre, 1950. Pp. 174. De la Taille, M., The Mystery of Faith. Book H. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1950. Pp. 485. $5.50. Guthrie, W. K., The Greek Philosophers from Thales and Aristotle. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. Pp. 169, with index. $2.75. Heris, C. V. (Trans. D. Fahey), The Mystery of Christ. Westminster: Newman Press, 1950. Pp. ~14. $3.50. Hill, T. E., Contemporary Ethical Theories. New York: Macmillan, 1950. Pp. 380, with index. $8.90. Jugnet, L., Rudolf Allers on L'Anti-Freud. Paris: Les Editions du Cedre, 1950. Pp. 173. 210 fr. Kirchgiissner, A., Erlosung und Sunde im Neuen Testament. Freiburg: Herder, 1950. Pp. 836. Dm. 14. Lethaby, W. R. (Revised by D. T. Rice), Medieval Art-312 to 1350. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. Pp. 238, with index. $7.50. lVIarmion, Dom (Trans. Earl of Wicklow), More About Marmion. St. Louis: Herder, 1950. Pp. 1~8. $1.75. Maziarz, E. A., The Philosophy of Mathematics. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. Pp. ~92, with index. $4.00. lVIesser, M. B., East and West. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. Pp. 66, with index. $8.00. 635 636 BOOKS RECEIVED MontagUe, W. P., Great Vi8iom of Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1950. Pp. 501, with index. $4.50. Moore, B., Soviet Politics-The Dilemma of Power. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1950. Pp. 5~8, with index. $6.00. Morgan, W. S., Pkilosophy of Religion. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. Pp. 4~8, with index. $6.00. Pauson~ J. J., Saint Tkomas Aquinas-De Principiis Naturae. Fribourg: Societe Philosophique, 1950. Pp. 111, with index. Rosmarin, T. W., Jerusalem. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. Pp. 51. $2.75. Sellery, G. C., Tke Renaissance: Its Nature and Origins. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1950. $8.75. Shahan, E. P., Whitehead's Tkeory of Experience. New York: Columbia University Pre$8, 1950. Pp. 150, with index. $~.50. Sheen, F. J., Lift Up Your Hearts. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950. Pp. 808. $8.00. Silva-Tarouca, A., Praxis und Theorie des Gottbeweisens. Wien: Herder, 1950. Pp. no, with index. Spedalieri, F., De Ecclesiae lnfallibilitate in canonizatione Sanctorum. Rome: Catholic Book Agency, 1950. Pp. 68. Spedalieri, F., Selectae et Breviores Philosophiae ac Tkeologiae Controversiae . Rome: Catholic Book Agency, 1950. Pp. ~~~. Summers, M., Physical Phenomena of Mysticism. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1950. Pp. ~68, with index. $4.50. Toynbee, A.. J., War and Civilization. New York: Oxford University Press, 1950. Pp. 177. $~.50. ...

