
Each year contributors at the Annual Meeting are requested to submit their papers for review and possible inclusion in a special ERIC collection of ASHE presentations. Included in this issue of The Review are summaries of the papers that have been selected. These papers were announced in the Spring 1992 issue of Resources in Education (RIE) and are available in their entirety through the ERIC microfiche collection. They can be located in the RIE Subject Index under “ASHE Annual Meeting” and publication date “1991” to identify this year’s conference papers.

Microfiche (MF) or paper copies (PC) of individual papers can be ordered through the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (7420 Fullerton Road, Suite 110, Springfield, VA 22153–2852). VISA and MasterCard orders will be accepted at 1-800-443-ERIC. Prices quoted are not postpaid.

