In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Subject and Use Index

Keyed to The Bulletin’s alphabetical arrangement by author, this index, which appears in each issue, can be used in three ways. Entries in regular type refer to subjects; entries in bold type refer to curricular or other uses; entries in ALL-CAPS refer to genres and appeals. In the case of subject headings, the subhead “stories” refers to books for the readaloud audience; “fiction,” to those books intended for independent reading.

Abandonment–fiction: Mosier

Abuse–fiction: La Valley; Sanchez; Turtschaninoff

Actors and acting: Weatherford

Actors and acting–fiction: Sloan

Adoption–fiction: Fine; Stephenson

ADVENTURE: Bell; Dougherty; Key; Loux; Pitt; Priebe; Reeve

Africa–fiction: Anderson; Lewis

African Americans: Blumenthal; Weatherford

African Americans–fiction: English; Giles

Aliens–fiction: Lee; Winick

Aliens–stories: Agee

Animals: Lunde

Animals–fiction: High; Milgrim; Priebe

Animals–stories: Davies; Sima

Anxiety–fiction: Nielsen

Arctic–fiction: Healy; Stephenson

Art and artists–fiction: Nielsen

Asian Americans: Lang

Asian Canadians: Skrypuch

Astronomy: Carson

Babies–stories: Kelly

Bears–fiction: Sanchez

BIOGRAPHIES: Blumenthal; Lang; Shamir; Sheinkin; Vance; Weatherford

Biology: Lunde

Bipolar disorder–fiction: Lindstrom

Birds–stories: Henkes

Brothers and sisters–fiction: Bailey; Dougherty; Ephron

Bullies–fiction: English

China–fiction: La Valley; Lim

Circuses–fiction: High

Clothing: Blumenthal


Crime and criminals–fiction: Anderson; Baker; Giles; Key; Pitt; Thompson

Current events: La Valley; Laskin; Lewis; Vance

Curses–fiction: Haydu

Death–fiction: Haydu; LaCour; McGhee; Silvera; Standish; Vlahos

Demons–fiction: Knudsen

Disasters–fiction: Haydu

Dogs–stories: Jenkins

Dollhouses–fiction: Priebe

Dragons–fiction: Wiggins

Drugs–fiction: Baker

Ducks–stories: Fleming

Ecology: Chin

Ecology–fiction: King

Elephants–fiction: High

Ethics and values: King; Lee; Vlahos

Explorers–fiction: Healy

Families–fiction: Mac; Vail

Families–stories: Sima

FANTASY: Bailey; Bell; Blake; Ephron; Fine; Garber; Jae-Jones; King; Knudsen; Langer; Levenseller; Loux; Nix; Porter; Smith; Trevayne; Turtschaninoff; Wiggins

Fashion: Blumenthal

Fathers–fiction: Vlahos

Fathers–stories: Davies [End Page 250]


Folktales and fairy tales–fiction: Bennett; Porter

Friends–fiction: Bennett; Clark; English; Hutchinson; LaCour; McGhee; Pincus; Standish; Winick

Games–fiction: Garber

Geology: Chin

Ghosts–fiction: Bennett

GLBTQ people–fiction: Mac; Silvera

Goblins–fiction: Jae-Jones

Grandparents–fiction: Bell; High; LaCour; Mosier; Standish; Walliams

GRAPHIC NOVELS: Healy; Loux; Winick

Grief–fiction: McGhee; Nielsen; Sanchez; Sloan; Standish

HISTORICAL FICTION: Healy; Lim; Peyton; Skrypuch

History, U.S.: Shamir; Winter

HUMOR: Agee; Cooper; Dougherty; Henkes; Jenkins; Kelly; Knudsen; Martin; Milgrim; Pincus; Pitt; Reeve; Sloan; Walliams

Identity–stories: Sima

Illness–fiction: Smith

Inventors: Vance

Kidnapping–fiction: Blake

Labor–fiction: La Valley

Language arts: Jenkins

Literature, English: Baker; Laskin

Magic–fiction: Bell; Ephron; Fine

Marine biology: Lang

Mental illness–fiction: Lindstrom

Mermaids–fiction: Langer

Mice–fiction: Priebe

Monkeys–stories: Martin

Mothers–fiction: Sanchez

Moving–fiction: Key

Music and musicians: Weatherford

Muslims–fiction: La Valley

MYSTERIES: Giles; Thompson

Native Americans: Sheinkin

Nuns–fiction: Turtschaninoff

Obsessive-compulsive disorder–fiction: Silvera; Thompson

Pets–fiction: McGhee

Pirates–fiction: Levenseller

Presidents: Shamir

Reading, beginning: Lunde; Milgrim

Reading, easy: Cooper; Dougherty; Priebe; Reeve

Refugees: Skrypuch

Refugees–fiction: Anderson

Relationships–fiction: Hutchinson; LaCour; Lindstrom; Nielsen; Peyton; Sanchez; Silvera; Sloan; Vail

Revenge–fiction: Baker

RHYMING STORIES: Fleming; Kelly; Martin

Romance–fiction: Blake; Garber; Laskin; Levenseller; Mac; Wiggins

Royalty–fiction: Fine; Nix


School–fiction: English; Langer; Pincus; Vail

Science: Carson; Chin; Lang; Lunde; Winter

SCIENCE FICTION: Lee; Pitt; Stephenson; Winick

Secrets–fiction: Lee; Lindstrom

Sisters–fiction: Garber; Jae-Jones; Langer; Stephenson

Space: Carson

Space travel–fiction: Pitt

Space travel–stories: Agee

Spies and espionage–fiction: Cooper

Sports: Sheinkin

Storytime: Agee; Davies; Fleming; Henkes; Jenkins; Kelly; Martin

SUPERNATURAL STORIES: Knudsen; Smith; Trevayne

Television–fiction: Vlahos

Time travel–fiction: Loux

Transgender people–fiction: Clark


Voyages and travel–fiction: Bailey; Clark; Healy; Levenseller; Lim; Mosier; Nix

Voyages and travel: Skrypuch

War–fiction: Anderson; Lewis

Whales–stories: Davies

Witches–fiction: Porter

Wolves–stories: Cordell

Women’s studies: Shamir


World War II: Winter [End Page 251]


