In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Ashley Montagu, N. F. (ed.). Toynbee and History. Boston: Porter Sargent Publisher, Hl56. Pp. 385. $5.00. Athenagoras, tr. by Joseph Crehan, ยง. J. Embassy for the Christians and The Resurrection of the Dead. Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 23. Westminster: Newman, 1956. Pp. 193 with index. $~!.25. Aumann, 0. P., Jordan and Greenstock, David. The Meaning of Christian Perfection. St. Louis: B. Herder Book Co., 1957. Pp. 162. $3.25. Ayer, A. J. The Problem of Knowledge. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1957. Pp. 258 with index. $4.50. Bauer, Walter. Tr. by W. F. Arndt and F. W. Gingrich. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1957. Pp. 909. $14.00. Bochenski, 0. P., I. M. and others. The Problem of Universals. Notre Dame: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1956. Pp. 54. $.95. Cassirer, Ernst. Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1956. Pp. 250 with index. $5.00. Colaboracion Cientifica de los Profesores y Doctores de Ia Universad. Miscelanea Comillas, XXIV. Santander: Universidad Pontificia ComiHas, 1955. Pp. 480. Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. The Transformation of Nature in Art. New York: Dover Publications, 1957. Pp. 245. $1.75 paper. Cumont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism. New York: Dover Publications, 1947. Pp. 320 with index. $1.75 paper. ---. The Mysteries of Mithra. New York: Dover Publications, 1957. Pp. 239 with index. $1.85 paper. Danielou, S. J., Jean. The Bible and the Liturgy. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1956. Pp. 372 with index. $5.25. Dawson, Christopher. Ed. by John J. Mulloy. The Dynamics of World History. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1957. Pp. 489 with index. $6.00. Dempsey, 0. F. M. Cap., Peter, J. R. Freud, Psychoanalysis, Catholicism. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co. 1956. Pp. 209. $3.00. De Vitis, A. A. Roman Holiday. The Catholic Novels of Evelyn Waugh. New York: Bookman Associates, 1956. Pp. 88. $2.50. Ferguson, John. Pelagius. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., 1957. Pp. 206 with indexes. lliis. BOOKS RECEIVED 235 Gallagher, Donald A. (ed.). Some Philosophers of Education. Milwaukee: Marquette Univ. Press., 1956. Pp. lHl. $2.50. Hatch, Alden and Walshe. Crown of Glory (the life of Pope Pius XII). New York: Hawthorn Books Inc., Hl57. Pp. 251 with index. $4.95. Healy, 0. Carm., Kilian J. Methods of Prayer in the Directory of the Carmelite Reforms of Touraine. Rome: Institutum Carmelitanum, 1956. Pp. 184. Hocking, William Ernest. The Coming World Civilization. New York: Harper & Bros., 1956. Pp. 210 with index. $3.75. Hugh of St. Victor. Tr. by Kevin Herbert. Soliloquy on the Earnest Money of the Soul. Milwaukee: Marquette Univ. Press, 1956. Pp. 48. $1.50. Jung, C. G. Tr. by R. F. Hull. Symbols of Transformation. (Vol. V of his collected works.) New York: Pantheon Books, 1956. Pp. 596 with index. $5.00. Maimonides, Moses. Guide for the Perplexed. New York: Dover Publications , 1957. Pp. 473 with indexes. $1.85 (paper). Maisels, M. Thought and Truth. New York: Bookman Associates, 1956. Pp. 359 with index. $5.00. Mandelbaum, M., Gramlich, F., Anderson, A. (editors). Philosophic Problems. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1957. Pp. 762. $6.25. Martin, Wm. Oliver. The Order and Integration of Knowledge. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1957. Pp. 355. $6.50. Mora, Jose Ferrater. Ortega y Gasset. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1957. Pp. 69. $2.50. Nelson, Leonard. System of Ethics. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1956. Pp. 308 with index. $5.00. Noon, S. J., Wm. T. Joyce and Aquinas. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1957. Pp. 167 with index. $3.75. Paul, Leon (ed.). The Vatican Picture Book. New York: Greystone Press, 1956. 80 photographs and accompanying text. $2.95. Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention of the Society of Catholic College Teachers of Sacred Doctrine. Washington, D. C.: Dunbarton College of the Holy Cross, 1956. Pp. 131. $3.00. Russell, Bertrand. Logic and Knowledge (Essays 1901-1950). New York: Macmillan, 1957. Pp. 382. $4.50. Sambursky, S. The Physical World of the Greeks. New York: Macmillan, 1956. Pp. 255. $4.00. Sapientia Aquinatis: Relationes, Communicationes et Acta IV Congressus Thomistici Internationalis 1955. Rome...

