In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Anscombe, G. E. M. Intention. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1957. Pp. 93. $1.50. Anton, John P. Aristotle's Theory of Contrariety. New York: Humanities Press, 1957. Pp. 264 with indexes. -$5.00. Buis, Harry. The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1957. Pp. 148. $2.75. Bullough, Edward. Aesthetics. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1957. Pp. 201. $4.50. Carol, 0. F. M., Juniper B. Mariology (Volume 2). Milwaukee: Bruce, 1957. Pp. 606 with index. $9.50. Cassirer, Ernst. The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms-Volume 3: The Phenomenology of Knowledge. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957. Pp. 518 with index. $8.50. Chadwick, Owen. From Bossuet to Newman: The Idea of Doctrinal Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957. Pp. 265 with index. $5.00. Chisholm, Roderick M. Perceiving: A Philosophical Study. Ithaca: Cornell University_Press, 1957. Pp. 203. $2.75. Coleburt, Russell. An Introduction to Western Philosophy. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1957. Pp. 254 with bibliography and index. $4.00. Cross, Frank (Editor). The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. London: Oxford University Press, 1957. Pp. 1511. $17.50. Cuttat, Jacques-Albert. -La Rencontre des Religions. Paris: Aubier, 1957. Pp. 200. 660 fr. Deman, 0. P., Thomas. Le Traitement Scientifique de la Morale Chretienne Selon Saint Augustin. Montreal: Institut d'Etudes Medievales, 1957. Pp. 133 with indexes. Fireman, Peter. Justice in Plato's Republic. New York: Philosophical Library, 1957. Pp. 52. $2.00. Friedman, Philip. Their Brothers' Keepers. New York: Crown Publishers, 1957. Pp. 224 with index. $3.00. Gathelier, G. L'Education Religieuse des Adolescentes. Lyon: Emmanuel Vitte, 195.7. Pp. 257. Gilson, Etienne. Painting and Reality (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts for 1955). New York: Pantheon Books, 1957. Pp. 391 with bibliography and index. $7.50. Grabowski, Stanislaus J. The Church: An Introduction to the Theology of BOOKS RECEIVED 128 Saint Augustine. St. Louis: Herder, 1957. Pp. 691 with indexes. $9.50. Hafford, G. W. and Kolanda, G. The Christian Life Calendar. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1957. $1.00. Hayen, S. J., Andre. La Communication de L'P:tre d'apres Saint Thomas d'Aquin: La Metaphysique d'un Tkeologien. Bruges: Desclee de Brouwer. Pp. 191 with index. 120 fr. Hendel, Charles W. (Editor}. The Philosophy of Kant and our Modem World. New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1957. Pp. 132. $2.75. lnigaki, Bernard R. Scholastic Bibliography in Japan. Nanzan: Catholic University of Nagoya, 1957. Pp. 50. Karrer, Otto. Meister Eckehart Speaks. New York: Philosophical Library, 1957. Pp. 72. $2.75. Kenney, S.M., Frank J. Mary's Spiritual Maternity According to Modem Writers. Washington: Catholic University Press, 1957. Pp. 96. $1.25. McLaughlin, Patrick J. Tke Church and Modern Science. New York: Philosophical Library, 1957. Pp. 374 with bibliography and index. $7.50. Malone, M. M., Edward F. Apostolic Zeal According to the Principle of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Maryknoll: New York. 1957. Pp. 179. Maritain, Jacques. On the Philosophy of History. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 180 with index. $8.50. Matthews, S.M., Stanley G. (Editor}. Queen of the Universe: tke Assumption and Queenship of Mary. Saint Meinrad: Grail Publications, 1957. Pp. 272 with index. $4.00. Murray, 0. P., Sister Jane Marie. Going to God (Book One of the Christian Life Series of Religion Texts for High Schools). Chicago: Fides Publishers , 1957. Pp. 430 with index. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. Volume XXXI, Ethics and Other Knowledge. Washington: Catholic University Press, 1957. Pp. 236. $8.50. Ridderbos, Herman. Paul and Jesus. (Translated by David Freeman}. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1957. Pp. 155. $8.75. Rossi, C. M., Giovanni Felice. Le Origini del Neotomismo Nell'Ambiente di Studio del Collegia Alberoni. Piacenza: Collegio Alberoni, 1957. Pp.51. Staab, 0. F. M. Cap., Giles J. The Dignity of Man in Modern Papal Doctrine: Leo XIII to Pius XII. Washington: Catholic University Press, 1957. Pp. 154 with index. $1.75. Taton, R. Reason and Chance in Scientific Discovery. (Translated by A. J. Pomerans}. New York: Philosophical Library, 1957. Pp. 171 with index. $10.00. 124 BOOKS RECEIVED Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Contra Gentiles (Livre Quatrieme-translated by R. Bernier and F. Kerovanton). Paris: Lethielleux, 1957. Pp. 497. 2.850...

