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BOOK REVIEWS 95 WILLIAMS. SAHAKIAN: Systems of Ethics and Value Theory. New York: Philosophical Library, 1963. Systems of Ethics and Value Theory should be judged a useful and helpful piece of consultative literature for college courses in the history of ethical and value theory. The author devotes elaborate attention to a survey of writings in the field, reporting on writings from the golden age of Greece, on sources traditional in western religion, and on modern as well as contemporary authors. The method of presentation, which avoids being a collection of " clipped pages," succeeds in stimulating interest in original sources. One limitation of this, however, is that the reader has difficulty distinguishing editor from authors in the presentation of ideas. The two are so closely interwined that there is danger of confusion. Although the editor strives to present criticisms of the ethical positions presented, the comments suffer from brevity or intellectual immaturity in certain instances. The lists of recommended readings were made in an uncritical fashion, missing an opportunity to assist the reader. On the whole, this work is a worthwhile introduction to the problems of its title because it concerns itself with a summary presentation of ideas and statements rather than mere historical or biographical facts. Angelicum, R0111o8 G. L. CoNcORDIA, 0. P. ...

