In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Bordelon, Msgr. Marvin, ed., The Parish in a Time of Change. Notre Dame: Fides Publishers, Inc., 1967. Pp. 227. $5.95. Collins, James, The Emergence of Philosophy of Religion. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967. Pp. 517. $12.50. Crowe, F. E., S. J., Collection: Papers by Bernard Lonergan, S. J. New York: Herder and Herder, 1967. Pp. 280. $8.50. Dolan, John P. History of the Reformation-A Conciliatory Assessment of Opposite Views. The New American Library, 1965. Pp. 366. $.95. Edwards, Paul (Editor), The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vols. 1-8. MacMillan Co. & The Free Press, 1967. Griffiths, Bede, Christ in India-Essays Towards a Hindu-Christian Dialogue . Charles Scribner's Sons, 1966. Pp. 249. $4.95. Haring, Nikolaus M. (Editor), The Commentaries on Boethius by Gilbert of Poitiers. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1966. Pp. 437. $9.00. Harper, Ralph, The Seventh Solitude: Metaphysical Homelessness in Kierkegaard , Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. 153. $1.95. Hermand, Pierre, The Priest: Celibate or Married. Baltimore: Helicon, 1967. Pp. 144. $3.75. Hoyt, Robert S. (Editor), Life and Thought in the Early Middle Ages. University of Minnesota Press, 1967. Pp. 165. $5.50. Kristeller, Paul Oskar, Le Thomisme et La Pensee Italienne de la Renaissance . l'Institut d'etudes Medievales, 1967. Pp. 287. $6.00. Langer, Susanne K., Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling, Vol. 1. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. 487. $10.00. Loew, Jacques, A_s If He had Seen The Invisible--A Portrait of the Apostle Today. Notre Dame: Fides Publishers, Inc., 1967. Pp. 175. $2.95. Manalapuzhavila, Fr. Antony, 0. C. D., Nature and Origin of the World According to Ramamtja. Kerala, India: St. Joseph's Pontifical Seminary, 1966. Pp. 92. $1.00. Meier, Anton Meinrad, Das Peccatum Mortale Ex Toto Genere Suo. Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg, 1967. Pp. 405. DM 45.-. Moll, Willi, The Christian Image of Woman: A Threefold Response of Love. Notre Dame: Fides Publishers, Inc., 1967. Pp. 168. $2.95. Piemontese, Filippo, La Dottrina Del Sentimento Fondamentale Nella Filosofia Di A. Rosmini. Universita di Genova, 1967. Pp. 238. L. (t.400. 257 ~58 BOOKS RECEIVED Riga, Peter J., Tke ChtJ,rch Made Relevant-A Commentary on the Church In the Modern World. Notre Dame: Fides Publishers, Inc., 1967. Pp. 887. $5.95. Runes, Dagobert D. (Editor), Tke Gospel According to St. John. New York: Philosophical Library, 1967. Pp. 97. $2.75. Sand, Alexander, Der Begriff "Fleisck" In Den Pauliniscken Hauptbriefen. Verlag Friedrich Pustet: Regensburg, 1967. Pp. 885. DM 45.-. Smith, John E., D. D., Ph. D., Tke Aquinas Lecture, 1967: Religion and Empiricism. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1967. Pp. 77. $2.50. Tulane Studies in Pkilosophy-Metaphysics and Belief. Vol XV. Tulane University, 1966. Pp. 102. $2.00. ...

