In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED American Catholic Philosophical Association: Philosophy and the Future of Man. (Pp. ~45) Argus Communications Co.: Catholic Education: Survival or Demise? by Virgil C. Blum, S. J. (Pp. 11~, $1.00 paper) Beauchesne et Ses Fils: La Philosophie de Whitehead et le Probleme de Dieu, by Alix Parmentier. (Pp. 648, 48,50 F); Le Structuralisme. Dialogue entre Jules Gritti et Paul Toinet. Verse et Controverse 7. (Pp. 96, 8,80 F); Civilisation Technique et Humanisme. Colloque de l'Academie Internationale de Philosophic des Sciences. (Pp. ~80, ~4 F); Philosophic et Science. Elements de bibliographie, by JeanDominique Robert. (Pp. 884, 48,50 F) Belknap Press: St. Augustine's Early Theory of Man, A. D. 886-891, by Robert J. O'Connell, S. J. (Pp. 801, $10.00) Bobbs-Merill, Co., Inc.: Philosophical Theology, by James F. Ross. (Pp. 8~6. $8.50) Catholic Book Agency: Paul Tillich's Appraisal of St. Thomas' Teaching on the Act of Faith, by Theodore Hall, 0. P. (Pp. 104) Catholic University of America Press: Philosophy and Contemporary Man, ed. by George F. McLean, 0. M. I. (Pp. 198, $7.95 paper); Current Issues in Modern Philosophy, ed. by G. F. McLean. (Pp. 198, $7.95 paper); Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, Vol. 4, ed. by John K. Ryan. (Pp. ~8~, $7.50 paper) Columbia University Press: Religious Trends in English Poetry. Vol. VI: 19~0-1965 Valley of Dry Bones, by Hoxie Neale Fairchild. (Pp. 585, $1MO) Corpus Books: The Reasonableness of Faith, by Diogenes Allen. (Pp. 188, $4.95) Edizioni di Ethica: Una Discussione sul'Etica della Felicita, by Giovanni Blandino, S. J. (Pp. 99) Edizione Domenicane: Thomae Aquinatis Vitae Fontes Praecipuae, by Angelico Ferrua, 0. P. (Pp. 411, L. MOO) Forham University Press: The Presence and Absence of God, ed. by Christopher F. Mooney, S. J. (Pp. 189, $6.00) Free Press: Medieval Philosophy. From St. Augustine to Nicholas of Cusa, ed. by John F. Wippel & Allan B. Wolter, 0. F. M. (P. 487, $8.95 paper) Harper and Row: Science and Christ, by Teilhard de Chardin. Trans. by Rene Hauge. (Pp. ~80, $5.00) Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.: Is It I, Lord? Pastoral Psychology and 408 404 BOOKS RECEIVED the Recognition of Guilt, by Arnold Uleyn. (Pp. 255, $5.95); Priest for Tomorrow. A radical Examination of Christian Ministry, by Ruud J. Bunnik. (Pp. 238, $5.95) KTAV Publishing House, Inc: The Teachings of Maimonides, by Abraham Cohen. (Pp. 383, $8.95) Loyola University Press: Dimensions of Faith. Yesterday and Today, by James A. Mohler, S. J. (Pp. 229, $2.80) Northwestern University Press: Two Logics. The Conflict Between Classical and Neo-Analytic Philosophy, by Henry B. Veatch. (Pp. 288, $8.00) Oxford University Press: Moral Knowledge and its Methodology in Aristotle, by Donald Monan, S. J. (Pp. 163, $5.50) Philosophical Library: Theories on the Nature of Life, by Giovanni Blandino, S. J. (Pp. 387, $6.00) Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies: St. Thomas Aquinas. Quaestiones de Anima, ed. by James H. Robb. (Pp. 282) Priory Press: Yves Congar. Theology in the Service of God's People, by Jean-Pierre Jossua, 0. P. (Pp. 241, $5.95) C. Scribner's Sons: American Philosophy and the Future, ed. by Michael Novak. (Pp. 367, $7.95 hardback, $3.95 paperback); The Judgment of the Dead, by S. G. F. Brandon. (Pp. 300, $6.95); Integral Humanism, by Jacques Maritan. (Pp. 308, $7.95); The Religious Experience of Mankind, by Ninian Smart. (Pp. 588, $10.00) Sheed & Ward: Is Original Sin in Scripture? by Herbert Haag. (Pp. 127, $3.95); The One Bread, by Max Thurian. (Pp. 159, $4.50) Trinity University Press: Autobiogmphies of Ten Religious Leaders: Alternatives in Christian Experience, by Radsolav A. Tsanoff. (Pp. 320, $7.00) University of Notre Dame Press: Eucharist. Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer, by Louis Bouyer. (Pp. 496, $14.00); Christian Existence in the New Testament. Vol. I, by Rudolf Schnackenburg. (Pp. 241, $6.95); Lutherans and Roman Catholicism . The Changing Conflict 1917-1963, by Myron A. Marty. (Pp. 254, $6.95) Westminster Press: Jesus and Ethics, by Richard H. Hiers. (Pp. 20S $6.50) ...

