In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Appleton-Century-Crofts: A Contemporary Approach to Classical Metaphysics , by George J. Seidel, 0. S. B. (Pp. 136, $1.95): Human Being & Being Human. Man's Philosophies of Man, by Edmund F. Byrne & Edward A. Maziarz (Pp. 438, $6.00). George Braziller, Inc.: Bertrand Russell's Theory of Knowledge, by Elizabeth Ramsden Eames (Pp. !i!40, $6.00). Burgess Publishing Co.: The Concept of Equality, ed. by W. T. Blackstone (Pp. 210). Editions J. Duculot, S. A.: Le Dynamisme de la Morale Chretienne, by P. Anciaux, J. Ghoos, F. D'Hoogh (Vol. I, pp. 174; Vol. II, pp. 200, 120 FB each) . Edigraf Editrice: Paolo VI uno stile poietico, by Eduard Landolt, Salesiano (Pp. 207, L. 1,800). Free Press: Process and Reality, by Alfred North Whitehead (Pp. 44!i! paperback, $3.95). Harper & Row: The Future of God. The Revolutionary Dynamics of Hope, by Carl A. Braaten (Pp. 186, $5.95). Humanities Press, Inc.: Naked Ape or Homo Sapiens? A Reply to Desmond Morris, by John Lewis & Bernard Towers (Pp. 134, $3.50). Lateran University: Tomismo e Pensiero Moderno, by Cornelio Fabro, C. S. S. (Pp. 469); Il Corpo Mistico e le Sue Relazioni con L'Eucharistia in S. Alberto Magno, by Antonio Piolanti (Pp. 211); De Theodoro Balsamone. Analysis Operum ac Mentis Juridicae, by Gerardus Petrus Stevens (Pp. 36!i!); Un Pretre de Toujours. MarieJoseph Chiron (1797-1852). Fondateur de Sainte-Marie de l'Assomption , by Edmond Pognon (Pp. 288); La Pace e Paolo VI, by Luigi Bogliolo (Pp. 89). Lawrence Publishing Co.: The Other Americans. Minorities in American History, by Kathleen Wright (Pp. 182, $2.00). Macmillan Co.: Anatomy of the New Testament. A Guide to its Structure and Meaning, by Robert A. Spivey & D. Moody Smith (Pp. 5!i!8) ; Reflective Naturalism. An Introduction to Moral Philosophy , by Vincent C. Punzo (Pp. 398, $7.95); Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science, ed. by Sidney Hook (Pp. !i!52 paper, $1.50). La Nuova Cultura Editrice: L'Ultimo Maritain, by Giuseppe Zappone (Pp. 167, L. 1,500). Oxford University Press: Thessalonians. The New Clarendon Bible, by D. E. H. Whiteley (Pp. 115, $4.00). 189 190 BOOKS RECEIVED Pastoral Educational Services/NCRD: Belief in Human Life, by Anthony T. Padovano (Pp. 96, $5.00) . Philosophical Library: Rays of Hope. The Universe-Life-Man, by Robert Lloyd Gregory (Pp. 26S, $7.00). Priory Press: The World in the Church, ed. by Jordan Aumann, 0. P. (Pp. 161, $5.95). Friedrich Pustet: Der Moraltheologie J. Geishuttner (1763-1805), I. Kant und J. G. Fichte, by Ursicin Derungs (Pp. 34S, DM 39). Van Nostrand Reinhold Book Corp.: Issues in Religion. A Book of Readings, by Allie M. Frazier (Pp. 3SO). Scepter Publishers: St. Augustine on Nature, Sex and Marriage, by John J. Hugo (Pp. Q49, $5.95) . Charles Scribner's Sons: Belief, Knowledge, and Truth. Readings in the Theory of Knowledge, by Robert R. Ammerman & Marcus G. Singer (Pp. 532, $4.95). Sheed & Ward: The Gospel of Irreligious Religion. Insights for Uprooted Man from Major World Faiths, by Lowell D. Streiker (Pp. ISS, $4.95); Humiliation and Celebration: Post-Radical Themes in Doctrine, Morals, and Mission, by Gabriel Fackre (Pp. 315, $6.95); Can These Bones Live? The Failure of Church Renewal, by Robert S. Lecky & H. Elliott Wright (Pp. Ql9, $5.50). Shocken Books, Inc.: Without Answers, by Rush Rhees (Pp. IS3, $6.00). Union Panamericana: Examen Critico de la Ensefianza Superior de la Filosoffa en America, by Diego Dominquez Caballero (Pp. 53, $0.75). ...

