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BOOKS RECEIVED Barnes & Noble, Inc.: Gilbert Ryle. Collected Papers. Vol. 1 Critical Essays. Vol. ~ Collected Essays 1929-1968, by Gilbert Ryle. (1 pp. 801, $16.50; ~ pp. 504, $19.50); Records of Christianity. Vol. 1 In the Roman Empire, by David Ayerst and A. S. T. Fisher. (Pp. 864, $1~.00); Consciousness and Freedom, by Pratima Bowe (Pp. ~50, $8.75); The Vision of Hell. Infernal Journeys in Medieval French Literature, by D. D. R. Owen. (Pp. 884, $10.00); An Examen of of Witches, by Henry Boguet. (Pp. 861, $11.50); The Trial of the Lancaster Witches, ed. by G. B. Harrison. (Pp. ~85, $6.50); With Hunting and Witch Trails, ed. by C. L'Estrange Ewen. (Pp. 858, $11.50); Origins of Astrology, by Jack Lindsay. (Pp. 49~, $1~.75). E. J. Brill, Publisher: Thomism and the Ontological Theology of Paul Tillich. A Comparison of Systems, by Donald J. Keefe, S. J. (Pp. 878, 5~ guilders). Cistercian Publications: The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux. Vol. 1 Treatises I, ed. by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. (Pp. 199, $7.50). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas: Santiago Ramirez, 0. P. Su Vida y Su Obra, by Vicente Marrero. (Pp. 856, ~00 ptas) . Doubleday & Company, Inc.: Authority and Rebellion. The Case for Orthodoxy in the Catholic Church, by Charles E. Rice. (Pp. ~58, $5.95). Librairie Artheme Fayard: L'Esprit Saint et L'Eglise. L'Avenir de l'Eglise et de l'Oecumenisme, by Academie lnternationale des Sciences Religieuses . (Pp. 850, ~7, 50 F). Humanities Press: Orestes A. Brownson's Road to Catholicism, by Per Sveino. (Pp. 840, $11.50). Indiana University Press: George Santayana. Lotze's System of Philosophy , ed. by Paul Grinley Kuntz. (Pp. ~74, $11.91). Inter-Varsity Press: History & Christianity, by John Warwick Montgomery . (Pp. 110, $1.~5); Christ the Liberator, by John R. W. Stott and others. (Pp. ~88, $~.95); New Testament Introduction, Donald Guthrie. (PP. 1054, $11.95). Northwestern University Press: For an Ontology of Morals. A Critique of Contemporary Ethical Theory, by Henry B. Veatch. (Pp. 185, $6.50). Orbis Books: The Assault on Authority. Dialogue or Dilemma? by William W. Meissner. (Pp. 8~0, $7.95). Editrice M. Pisani: Preghiera Eucaristica Penitenziale nella Luce Biblica e Patristica, by Corrado M. Berti, OSM. (Pp. 68) . 755 756 BOOKS RECEIVED Schocken Books: The Problem of Evil, by M. B. Ahern. (Pp. 96, $4.50). Editions Universitaires Fribourg: La Crise de l'lnformation et la Crise de Confiance des Nations Unies, Alpha Amadou Diallo-Tayire. (Pp. 144, Fr. 18) . Universita Gregoriana Editrice: La Trascendenza della Gratia nella Teologia di San Tommaso d'Aquino, by Camillo Ruini. (Pp. 383. $10.00): ltinerario al Valore, by Giovanni Magnani, S. J. (Pp. 263, $4.35). University of St. Michael's College: Thomistic Revival and the Modernist Era, by Thomas J. A. Hartley. (Pp. llO). Whittemore Associates, Inc.: Animals, Birds and Plants of the Bible, by Willard S. Smith. (Pp. 63, $0.95) . ...

