In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Notes and Comments
  • Wilson D. Miscamble C.S.C.

Association News

The 2016 balloting has resulted in the election of Rev. Richard Gribble, C.S.C. (Stonehill College), as 2017 vice-president, and Rev. David Endres (the Athenaeum of Ohio, Cincinnati) and Martin Menke (Rivier University) as 2016– 19 members of the Executive Council. At the upcoming annual meeting in Denver the following awards for 2017 will be conferred: the Distinguished Scholar, William Issel (San Francisco State University); the Distinguished Teacher, Jeffery M. Burns (Franciscan School of Theology); and the Distinguished Service Award, U.S. National Park Service. The Marraro Prize winner for 2016 is Andrew D. Berns (University of South Carolina) for his book The Bible and Natural Philosophy in Renaissance Italy (New York, 2015). The John Gilmary Shea prize goes to Katrina B. Olds (University of San Francisco) for her Forging the Past: Invented Histories in Counter-Reformation Spain (New Haven, 2015). The 2016 Harry C. Koenig Prize for a published monograph of Catholic biography is awarded to the independent scholar Franz Posset for his Johann Reuchlin, 1455–1522: A Theological Biography (Boston, 2015). The Executive Committee of the ACHA has voted to expand the Koenig prize; the prize now will include a cash award of $500 presented every odd-numbered year for a scholarly article published in English, preferably in an academic journal, that focuses on a Catholic personage from any period of Catholic history. For application information, visit the awards page on the Association’s Web site.

Paleography Seminar

The Medici Archive Project will offer two separate, two-week intensive seminars on Italian paleography and archival research: one on January 9–14, 2017, and the other on January 16–21, 2017, focusing on the mercantesca and cancelleresca scripts. Classes will be held at the Medici Archive Project in the Palazzo Alberti at Via de’ Benci 10, Florence, and in various Florentine archives. The deadline for application is January 1, 2017. For more information, contact


From September 12 to December 10, 2016, a portion of the exhibition “Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections” will be hosted at Houghton Library, Harvard University. The exhibition will focus on the centrality of manuscripts to both male and female monastic life. For more information, contact Monique Duhaime, email: or tel. (617) 495-2441. [End Page 876]

From May 20 to September 2017 a series of exhibitions in Germany will commemorate the 500th anniversary of the posting of the ninety-five theses by Martin Luther. That in Wittenberg will feature Luther’s own Bible and last testament, artifacts from his home, and a rare portrait. It will also feature ninety-five of the prominent people he influenced over the centuries. For more information, visit

From June 5 to November 1, 2017, the special exhibition “Dialog der Konfessionen: Bischof Julius Pflug und die Reformation” will be held in the city of Zeitz in Saxony. It will feature the bishop’s efforts to mediate between the Catholics and Lutherans in his see of Naumburg that had not only him as bishop but also the Lutheran Nikolaus von Amsdorf. Pflug was the last Catholic bishop of the diocese, dying in 1564. Various churches in Zeitz and Pflug’s private library with its rich collection of letters, manuscripts, and books will be featured.


From March 22–25, 2017, the Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe des Corpus Catholicorum e.V., together with the Katholische Akademie der Erzdiözese Freiburg im Breisgau, will host the conference “Glaube(n) im Disput. Altgläubige Kontroversisten des Reformationszeitalters in neuerer Forschung.” The Gesellschaft will also sponsor, together with the Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsverein, the conference “Bischöfe und Bischofsamt im Heiligen Römischen Reich 1570–1620: Ideal und Praxis” in Würzburg on June 22–24, 2017. For more information, contact

On July 3–6, 2017, at the Leeds International Medieval Congress, the Iuris canonici medii aevi consociatio (ICMAC) will co-sponsor three sessions under the theme “Otherness” with the Church, Law, and Society in the Middle Ages Network (CLASMA). Proposals for papers (including the title, short...

