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BOOKS RECEIVED Appleton-Century-Crofts: The Problem of Evolution: A Study of Philosophical Repercussions of Evolutionary Science, by John N. Deely and Raymond J. Nogar. (Pp. 486, $12.95); The Problem of Scientific Realism, ed. by Edward J. McKinnon. (Pp. 301, $4.95).·The Bobbs-Merrill Co.: The Unity of the Platonic Dialogue, by Rudolph H. Weingartner. (Pp. 215). Centro Superiore di Logica e Scienze Comparate: The Meaning and Structure of Time (English and Italian text), by Franco Spisani. (Pp. 161, L. 2.500). William Collins Sons & Co.: Common Bible. $7.95 hardbound, $4.95 paperback. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones scientificas: Jacobus Ramirez. Opera Omnia Tomus II DeAnalogia 4 vols. (Pp. 2000, 2.000 pesetas paper, 2.200 cloth); Tomus III De Hominis Beatitudine. In I-II S.ummae Theologiae Divi Thomae Commentaria 5 vols. (Pp. fl552, fl.500 pesetas paper, 2.750 cloth}; Francisco Suarez. De Legibus II, ed. by L. Pereiia, P. Suner, V. Abril, C. Villanueva, E. Elorduy. (Pp. 380, 600 pesetas). · Creation House, Inc.: The Cross and the Flag, ed. by R. G. Clouse, R. D. Linder, R. P. Pierard. (Pp. 261, $2.95). Cromwell Books: Late Afternoon for the Nation-State, by Sam Darcy. (Pp. 408, $8.95) . Dell Publishing Co.: Plato, by George Kimball Plachman. (Pp. 543, $1.95). Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, Values in European Thought. I Antiquity and Middle Ages, by Fritz Joachim von Rintelen. (Pp. 576, $8.50). Edizioni Abete: Il Problema deUa Conscenza, by G. Blandino. (Pp. 481, L. 4.000). Exposition Press: Problems of Marriage and Sexuality Today, by Peter J. Riga. (Pp. 126, $5.00). Fides Publishers, Inc.: Theology Today Series. 6 Theology of Evolution, by Ervin Nemesszeghy, S. J. & John Russell, S. J. (Pp. 96), 26 Theology of Confirmation, by Austin P. Milner, 0. P. (Pp. 127); 37 Theology of Mission, by Aylward Shorter, W. F. (Pp. 92). 95¢ each; The Crisis in Priestly Ministry, by Charles E. Curran. (Pp. 146, $1.50). Fordham University Press: God Knowable and Unknowable, ed. by Robert J. Roth, S. J. (Pp. 280, $10.00}. 267 268 BOOKS RECEIVED Harper & Row, Publishers: Brother Francis: An Anthology of Writings by and about St. Francis of Assisi, ed. by Lawrence Cunningham. (Pp. 233, $5.95) . Harvard University Press: Il Moro. Ellis Haywood's Dialogue in Mernory of Thomas More, tr. & ed. by Roger Lee Deakins. (Pp. 155, $10.00). Humanities Press: The Life of Desiderius Erasmus, by Albert Hyma. (Pp. 140, $7.75). Inter-Varsity Press: Genesis in Space and Time, by Francis A. Schaeffer. (Pp. 167, $2.25); Back to Freedom and Dignity, by F. A. Schaeffer. (Pp. 48, $0.95); The Dust of Death, by Os Guiness. (Pp. 417, $7.95); Revolution in Rome, by David F. Wells. (Pp. 149, $4.95). Les Presses de l'Universite Laval: Savoir et Pouvoir. Philosophie Thomiste et Politique Clericale au XIXe siecle, by Pierre Thibault. (Pp. 290 $10.00); Teilhard del Chardin. Nouvel Index Analytique. (Pp. 289, $5.00). Loyola University Press: The Self Beyond. Toward Life's Meaning, by Benjamin S. Llamzon. (Pp. 209, $5.59). Lumen Christi Press: Process Theology and Secularization, by Edwin C. Garvey, C. S. B. (Pp. 22, $0.50). McGraw-Hill Book Co.: Oppositions of Religious Doctrines, by William A. Christian. (Pp. 129, $6.95) . The Marquette University Press: Christian Philosophy and its Future, by Gerard J. Smith. (Pp. 144, $3.75); A Trio of Talks, by G. J. Smith. (Pp. 44, $1.25); Psyche and Cerebrum, by John N. Findlay. (Pp. 52, $2.50). Orbis Books: Foundations of Mission Theology, ed. by Sedos. (Pp. 180, $3.95); A Theology of Liberation, by Gustavo Gutierrez. (Pp. 334, $4.95 paper): A Theology for Artisans of a New Humanity. Vol. I The Community Called Church (Pp. 183), Vol. IT Grace and the Human Condition (Pp. 221), by Juan Luis Segundo, S. J. ($6.95 each). Propaganda Popular Catolica: Repertorio de Historia de las Ciencias Eclesiasticas en Espana. Siglos I-XVI. (Pp. 361). D. Reidel Publishing Co.: Faith and the Life of Reason, by John KingFarlow and William N. Christensen. (Pp. 253, 68 florins). Sheed & Ward: Invitation and Response. Essays in Christian Moral Theology, by Enda McDonagh. (Pp. 215, $8.50); Dogma 4 by Michael...

