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790 BOOK REVIEWS Problems of Marriage and Sexuality Today. By PETER J. RmA. New York: Exposition Press. Pp. 126. $5.00. The prolific Peter J. Riga has in this book turned his hand to some of the problems surrounding the understanding of sexuality and the meaning of marriage in a way that is much less than the " definitive treatment " advertized on the jacket of the book. What we have here is a popular exposition of some of the themes drawn from the biblical and phenomenological fields that are now the argot of a renewed moral theology. There is also a treatment of several specific problems arising to-day: "The New Morality" Abortion, Over-Population, Women's Liberation, etc., as well as several pages of advice to pastors on how to direct their apostolates towards the needs of the threatened nuclear family. This is a useful book for young adults, young marrieds, and those who serve them. The Catholic University of America Washington, D. C. WILLIAM J. HAYES, O.P. Psychology for Church Leaders Series. By GARY R. CoLLINS. Vol. m. Fractured Personalities: The Psychology of Mental Illness. Carol Stream, Ill.: Creation House, 1972. Pp. 217. $2.95. This volume is not intended to be a comprehensive introduction to the field of mental illness but psychological conclusions which are most relevant and practical for a church leader. An earlier volume imparted an understanding of counseling skills. More than skills are needed, and so this book's purpose is to give the church leader some knowledge about the nature and causes of mental illness. The author does this very well. According to Collins, a normal person is one who is at peace with society, himself, and God. A person is abnormal if he is at odds with the social expectations of his society or experiences internal conflict which leads to intense and prolonged feelings of insecurity, anxiety or unhappiness. Finally, a person is abnormal if he is alienated from God. Abnormality is considered under the concepts of cause, symptom, diagnosis, treatment, and types. Collins is more successful in integrating the religious dimensions than in previous volumes of this series. Each chapter contains a discussion of the related religious dimensions, and he is convinced that religion has a role in overcoming mental stress. In fact, the pastor has a unique role in dealing with the mentally disturbed, and he should be a member of the hospital team. Clinical Pastoral Education and similar programs are assisting chaplains and pastors to handle this ...

