In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Aguilar/Buenos Aires: S. Tomas de Aquino, Sobre la eternidad del mundo, Suma contra los gentes, Suma teol6gica (Selecci6n). Introduction and Notes by A. J. Cappelletti. Pp. 132, no price given. Australian National University Press: From Belief to Understanding: A Study of Anselm's Proslogion by Richard Campbell. Pp. 227, $6.95. Barnes and Noble: The Presumption of Atheism and Other Essays by Antony Flew. Pp. 188, $20.00. Geoffrey Chapman: Historical Transcendence and the Reality of God by Ray S. Anderson. Pp. 828, £5.50. Editions du Seuil: l:tre, monde, imaginaire by Stanislas Breton. Pp. 189, no price given. Gill and MacMillan/Dublin: Christ and Life by Wilfred Harrington, 0. P. Pp. 160, £3.25. Indiana University Press: The Piety of Thinking: Essays by Martin Heidegger with Notes and Commentary by James G. Hart and John C. Maraldo. Pp. 212, $10.95. Marquette University Press: Aquinas to Whitehead: Seven Centuries of Metaphysics of Religion by Charles Hartshorne. Pp. 68, $4.00. New York University Press: Ethical Writings of Maimonides, ed. R. J_,. Weiss and C. E. Butterworth. Pp. 182, $14.00. Orbis Books: The Faces of God: Reflections on Church and Society by Adrian Hastings. Pp. 156, $4.95 paper; Christians, Politics and Violent Revolution by J. G. Davies. Pp. 211, $4.95 paper; Freedom Made Flesh by Ignacio Ellacuria. Pp. 246, $8.95. Reidel Publishing Co.: The Cultural Context of Medieval Learning: Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on Philosophy, Science and Theology in the Middle Ages, ed. with Introduction by J. E. Murdoch and E. D. Sylla. Pp. 556, $49.00 hardbound, $28.00 paper. Sheed and Ward/London: A Companion to the Summa by Walter Farrell, 0. P. (reissue). Pp. 1918, £20.00. The Seabury Press: Christians and Jews, Concilium Vol. 98, ed. by Hans Kung and Walter Kasper. Pp. 98, $4.95 paper; The Future of the Religious Life, Concilium Vol. 97, ed. by Peter Huizing and William Bassett. Pp. 95, $4.95 paper. Talbot Press: Looking at Lonergan's Method, ed. by Patrick J. Corcoran, S.M. Pp. 198, £13.00 Universita Gregoriana Editrice: Ministerial Consciousness: A BiblicalSpiritual Study by Louis J. Cameli. Pp. 223, L7,000. 697 ...

