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BOOKS RECEIVED Barnes and Noble: Thomas Aquinas, by Frederick Copleston. Pp. 272; hardbound, $12.50. Basic Books: Beginnings: Intention and Method, by Edward W. Said. Pp. 432; $15.95. Cambridge University Press: Dilthey: Selected Writings, edited, translated with an Introduction by H.P. Rickman. Pp. 270; $19.95. Cerf: Existence humaine et revelation: essais d'hermeneutique, by Pierre Fruchon. Pp. 282; no price listed. Duke University Press: Metaphor and Myth in Science and Religion, by Earl R. MacCormac. Pp. 167; $7.95. Fortress Press: Fallible Forms and Symbols, by Bernard E. Meland. Pp. 199; $11.95. Gerstenberg: Naturkenntnisse und Naturanschauungen bei Wilhelm van Auverge, by Albrecht Quentin. Pp. 167; DM 52,00. Grunewald: Der Jesus der Philosophen und der Jesus des Glaubens, by Thomas Propper. Pp. 148; DM 15,50. Indiana University Press: Speaking and Meaning, by James M. Edie. Pp. 271; $12.50. Intervarsity Press: History, Criticism and Faith: Four Studies, edited by Colin Brown. Pp. 224.; $4.95, paper. Ohio University Press: Western Approaches to Eastern Philosophy, by Troy W. Organ. Pp. 273; $12.00. Oxford University Press: Three Monophysite Christologies: Severus of Antioch, Philoxenus of Mabbuq, and Jacob of Saruq, by Roberta C. Chesnut. Pp. 158; L. 6.75. Reidel: Vladimir Solovyev and Max Scheler: Attempt at a Comparative Interpretation, by Helmut Dahm. Pp. 324; $39.50. University of Notre Dame: The Problems of Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Sources, edited by C. F. Delany, et al. Pp. 422; $12.95. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht: Die Brief an die Galater, Epheser, Phillipper, Kolosser, Thessalonischer und Philemon, edited by J. Becker, H. Conzelmann, G. Friedrich. Pp. 296; DM 22,80. 316 ...

