In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Abingdon Press: On Human Care: An Introduction to Ethics, by Arthur J. Dyck. Pp. 189; $5.50. American Academy of Religion Dissertation Series: Doers of the Word: Towards a Fundamental Theology, by John V. Apczynski. Pp. xii, 202; $6.00 paperbound. Bellarmin: Evangile d'amour et de liberte, by Paul Dostaler. Pp. 550; $15.95. Society of Biblical Literature: Orthodox and Heretical Perfectionism, by John Bogart. Pp. xi, 190; $4.50. Blackwell: Atheism and the Rejection of God: Contemporary Philosophy and the Brothers Karamazov, by Steward Sutherland. Pp. 152;£.6.75. Herder: Zeit der Orden? Zur Mystik und Politik der Nat;hfolge, by Johannes Metz. Pp. 101; 10.80 DM. Vorherbestimmung: Tradiditionelle Pradestinationslehre im Licht gegenwartiger Theologie, by G. Kraus. Pp. 397; 74.00 DM. John Hopkins University Press: The Hand of the Lor.d: A Reassessment of the Ark Narrative, by Patrick D. Miller and J.M. Roberts. Pp. viii, 119; $11.00. The Jewish Theological Seminary: Catholic Thought and Papal Jewry Policy: 1555-1593, by Kenneth R. Stow. Pp. 411; $25.00. Kaiser. Freiheit, Gleichheit, Schwesterlichkeit: Zur Emanzipation der Frau in Kirche und Gesellschaft, by Elizabeth Moltmann-Wendel. Pp. 72; 7.80DM. Matthias-Griinewald: Zur Theologie der christlichen Ehe, by Walter Kasper . Pp. 95; $2.SODM. Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal: Bachelard ou le concept contre l'image, by Jean-Pierre Roy. Pp. 243; $14.00 paperbound. Oxford University Press: A History of the Churches in the United States and Canada, by Robert T. Handy. Pp. 471; $23.30. Patmos: Gott Du unser Ich: Ein Gesprach uber Chr.istentum und Atheismus , by J. Kuhlmann. Pp. 176; 14.00 D.M. Trinity University Press: The Reflection of Theology in Literature: A Case Study in Theology and Culture, by William Mallard. Pp. 269; $10.00. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht: Praxis und Prinzipien der Sozialethik John Wesleys, by M. Marquardt. Pp. 176; 34.00 DM. 348 ...

