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BOOKS RECEIVED Beauchesne: .Actiwlite D'Eric Weil edited by Le Centre Eric Weil. Nouvelle Serie, No. 43. Pp. 432; no price given. Le Droit by J. F. Catalan et al. Philosophie series, No. 9. Pp. 204; no price given. Maitre Eckhart: Metaphysique du Verbe et Theologie Negative by Emilie Zurn Brunn and Alain de Libera. Nouvelle Serie, No. 42. Pp. 249; no price given. The Catholic University of America Press: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas .Aquinas by John F. Wippel. Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, No. 10. Pp. 293; no price given. Origen: Spirit di: Fire by Hans Urs von Balthasar and translated by Robert J. Daly, S.J. Pp. 416; no price given. University of Chicago: The Christian Tradition Vol. IV: Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300-1700) by J aroslav Pelikan. Pp. 425; $27.50. Christendom Publications: The Universal Primacy of Christ by Francis Xavier Pancheri, O.F.M. and translated by Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M. Pp. 144; no price given. Crossroad : Foundational Theology: Jesus and the Church by Francis Schussler Fiorenza. Pp. 326; $22.50. Editorial San Esteban: Consagrado A Dios En La Clasei Obrera by F. Suazo. Ariadna, No. 3. Pp. 201; no price given. Los Derechos Humanos En Francisco De Vitoria by Ramon Hernandez. Biblioteca Dominicana, No. 4. Pp. 234; no price given. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.: God, Action and Embodiment by Thomas F. Tracy. Pp. 184; $11.95. Fortress Press: Christian Dogmatics, Vol. I di: II edited by Carl Branten and Robert Jenson. Pp. I:569/Il:621; no price given. Michael .Glazier, Inc. : Biblical and Theological Reflections on the Challenge of Peace edited by John T. Pawlikowski, O.S.M. and Donald Senior, C.P. Theology and Life Series, Vol. 10. Pp. 295; $8.95. Teaching .Authority in the Early Church by Robert B. Eno, SS. Message of the Fathers of the Church, No. 14. Pp. 168; $12.95 cloth, $7.95 paper. Gujarat Sahitya Prakash: Towards Christian Reunion by Luis M. Bermejo, S.J. Pp. 316; no price given. Harper & Row: On Love And Happiness by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Pp. 100; $9.95. The Story of Christianity, Vol. I: TM Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation by Justo L. Gonzalez. Pp. 448; $12.95. 709 710 BOOKS RECEIVED Notre Dame Press: Reason and Right by Garth Hallett. Pp. 192; $16.96 cloth, $8.95 paper. Ohio University Press: Logic .And The Objectivity of Knowledge: Studies in Husserl's Early Philosophy by Dallas Willard. Series in Continental Thought, No. 6. Pp. 277; $29.95. Oxford/Clarendon: .A History of Philosophy by Anders Wedberg. 3 Volumes, 1982-84. No price given. Oxford University Press: Freedom and Morality and Other Essays by A. J. Ayer. Pp. 182; $19.95. Free Will .And Responsibility by Jennifer Trusted. Pp. 195; $24.95. Paulist Press: The Reason For Our Hope: .A Theological .Anthropology by Richard R. Viladesau. Pp. 115; $10.95. The Schillebeeckx Case edited by Ted Schoof, O.P. Pp. 135; $7.95. Princeton University Press: The Complet@ Works of .Aristotle, Vols. I & II edited by Jonathan Barnes. Bollingen Series LXXI 2. Pp. I:1250/II:1236; .$75.00 each. Theodic11 in Islamic Touhght: The Dispute Over .Al-Ghazali's ''Best of .All Possible Worlds" by Eric L. Ormsby. Pp. 309; $30.00. Regnery Gateway: The Ultimate Weapon by Philip F. Lawler. Pp. 126; $8.95. Scholars Press: The Beginning .And The Beyond: Papers From The Gadamer .And Voegelin Conferences edited by Fred Lawrence. Vol. 4. Pp. 131; $13.50. State University of N.Y. Press: .An Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy of Religion by Raymond K. Williamson. Pp. 388; $44.50 cloth, $14.95 paper. Texas Tech University: Pierce's Conception of God: .A Developmental Study by Donna M. Orange. Pierce Studies, No. 2. Pp. 96; $20.00. University Press of America: 1'he Politics of Heaven tf; Hell by James V. Schall. Pp. 360; $23.50 cloth, $12.75 paper. Villanova University: Remediarium Conversorum: .A Synthesis in Latin of 'Moralia in Job' by Gregory the Great by Peter of Waltham and edited by Joseph Gildea, OSA. Pp. 492; $25.00. ...

