In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE GENERAL INDEX TO THE THOMIST VOLUME 49 (1985) INDEX OF AUTHORS PAGE Allik, Tiina, Karl Rahner on Materiality and Human Knowledge 367 Boadt, Lawrence, C.S.P., St. Thomas Aquinas and the Biblical Wisdom Tradition 575 Buckley, James J., Doctrine in the Diaspora 443 Cascardi, A. J., On Heidegger and the Recourse to Poetical Language 99 Cougar, Yves M.-J., The Brother I Have Known 495 Duffy, Michael K., The Moral-Nonmoral Distinction in Catholic Ethics 343 Evans, G. R., Guibert of Nogent and Gregory the Great on Preaching and Exegesis 534 Farthing, John L., The Problem of Divine Exemplarity in St. Thomas 183 Geach, Peter T., Dummett on Frege: A Review Article 116 Grisez, Germain, Infallibility and Specific Moral Norms: A Review Discussion 248 Horvath, Tibor, S.J. After Rahner What~ A Tribute to His Memory and Achievement 157 Johnstone, Brian V., The Meaning of Proportionate Reason in Contemporary Moral Theology 223 Lee, Patrick, The Relationship Between Intellect and Will in Free Choice According to Aquinas and Scotus 321 Machan, Tibor, Harman's " Refutation " of the Flourishing Ethics 387 Matter, E. Ann, Eulogium Sponsi de Sponsa: Canons, Monks, and the Song of Songs . 551 O'Neill, Colman, O.P., The Rule Theory of Doctrine and Propositional Truth 417 Plasher, William C., Revisionist and Postliberal Theologies and the Public Character of Theology 392 Price, James Robertson, the Objectivity of Mystical Truth Claims 81 Ramsey, Boniface, 0.P., Two Traditions on Lying and Deception in the Ancient Church 504 Schultes, Janice L., Is-Ought: Prescribing and a Present Controw ~ . 1 Shewmon, D. Alan, M.D., The Metaphysics of Brain Death, Persistent Vegetative State and Dementia 24 INDEX OF AUTHORS Continued PAGE Tracy, David, Lindbeck's New Program for Theology 460 Wallace, William A., O.P., Nature as Animating: the Soul in the Human Sciences 612 White, David A., Part and Whole in Aristotle's Concept of Infinity 168 INDEX OF BOOKS REVIEWED PAGE Abraham, William J.: Divine Revelation and the Limits of Historical Criticism (Thomas F. Tracy) 299 Caputo, John D.: Heidegger and Aquinas (Joseph S. O'Leary) 477 Carroll, Robert B.: From Chaos to Covenant (Howard N. Bream) 154 Chisholm, Roderick M.: The Foundations of Knowing (Nicholas Ingham, O.P.) 131 Claus, David B.: Toward the Soul (Kurt Pritzl) 131 Cooper, Neil: The Diversity of Moral Thinking (Edward Langerack) 146 Davies, Brian: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (Eleonore Stump) . 128 Dietrich, Donald J.: The Goethezeit and the Metamorphosis of Theology in the Age of Id.ealism (Thomas F. O'Meara) 134 Fiorenza, Francis S.: Foundational Theology (James J. Buckley) 288 Heyd, David: Si'tpererogation (Daniel Dombrowski) 485 Hudson, Wayne: The Marxist Philosophy of Ernst Bloch (Kenneth R. Himes, O.F.M.) 660 Klassen, A. J., ed.: A Bonhoffer Legacy (John S. Mogabgab) 142 Kripke, Saul: Wittgenstein on Riiles and Private Language (John Churchill) 481 Latourelle, Rene: L'Homme et ses Problemes (Donald Buggert, 0. Carm.) 292 Linacre Center: Euthanasia and Clinical Practice (Robert Barry, O.P.) . 487 Marrone, Steven P.: William of Auvet·gne and Robert Grosseteste: New Ideas of Truth in the Early Thirteenth Century (Francis E. Kelley) 657 Macquarrie, John: Twentieth Century Religfous Thought (James J. Buckley) . 122 Mahan, Brian & Dale Richesin, eds.: The Challenge of Liberation Theology (Michael J. Kerlin) 317 May, William E.: Sex, Marriage and ChastUy (Hugh D. Bmns, O.P.) 151 McDermott, John M., S.J.: Love and Understanding (Donald J. Keefe, S.J.) ' 655 INDEX OF BOOKS REVIEWED PAGE Meissner, W. W.: Psychoanalysis and Religious Experience (Michael Stock, O.P.) . 490 Miller, John W.: The Philosophy of History with Reflections and .Aphorisms (Michael J. Klein) 132 Mott, Stephen Charles: Biblical Ethics and Social Change (Vincent Hunt) 653 O'Flaherty, James C.: Johann Georg Hamann (Robert M. Browning ) 136 Pelikan, J aroslav: Reformation of Church and Dogma 1300-.1700 (William C. Placher) . 649 Schall, James V., S.J.: Liberation Theology in Latin .America (Donald J. Keefe, S.J.) 125 Shea, William R., ed.: Nature Mathematicized: Historical and Philosophical Case Studies in Classical Modei·n Natural Philosophy (Paul T. Durbin) 663 Torrance, T. F.: Reality and Evangelical Theology (William J. Abraham) 000 Wagner, Harald: Einfuhrung in die Fundamentaltheologie (Randy L. Maddox) . 124 Ward...

