In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ERRATA IN THE GENERAL INDEX, VOLUMES 1 TO 50 Page 1831 line 23 ff., should read: Anderson, James F. The Bond of Being. (Smith, R., O.P.) ........................... 16 (1953) 135-137 --The Cause of Being. (Thomist Staff) •••...•••. 16 (1953) 595-596 --Reflections on the Analogy of Being. (Mcinerny, R.) ............................. 32 (1968) 276-277 Anderson, James N. D. Christianity and Comparative Religion. (Rebeiro, M.) .............................. 35 (1971) 522-524 -Morality, Law, and Grace. (Milmore, A.1 O.P.) •• 37 (1973) 392-393 Page 185, line 81 "Bachelor ••.11 should read: Batchelor, Edward, ed. HomoseX'l.laZity and Ethics. (Barry, R. L.1 O.P.) ........................ 45 (1981) 490-493 (entry should appear on page 186) Page 1901 after line 111 insert the following: Brandon, S. G. F. The Judgment of the Dead: The Idea of Life after Death in the Major Religions. (Cenkner, W., O.P.) ........................ 33 (1969) 591-593 Page 196, line 28 ff.1 should read : Collins, Gary R. Effective Counseling. (Nessel, W. J., O.S.F.S.) .......••••••.•••••• 37 (1973) 262-263 --Fractured Personalities: The Psychology of Mental Illness. (Nessel, W. J., O.S.F.S.) •.........•.....•..• 37 (1973) 790-791 --Man in Transition: The Psychology of Human Development. (Nessel, W. J., O.S.F.S.) •••••••••••••••••••• 37 (1973) 262-263 Page 198, line 9, "Copelston •••" should read Copleston, Frederick C.1 S.J. Aquinas. (Thomist Staff) ............................. 19 (1956) 283 (entry should appear after "Copi") 171 172 ERRATA Page 204, after line 36, insert the following: [Dupre, L.] Transcendent Bel/hood: The Loss a·nd Rediscovery of the Inner Life. (Marsh, M.) .•.•.•••.•.•.•...••.. 43 (1979) 674-675 Page 221, line 12, should read : Hudson, Wayne. The Marxist Philosophy of Ernst Bloch. (, K. R., O.F.M.) •.•.••••••.•••••••••. 49 (1985) 660-662 Page 233, after line 31, insert the following: [Maritain, J.] Dieu et la permission du mal. (Heath, T. R., O.P.) ........................ 28 (1964) 533-534 Page 238, line 35, "Millet •.." should read : Milet, Jean. God or Christ'I (Johnson, E. A., C.S.J.) ••••••••••••.••••••• 47 (1983) 623-625 (entry should appear after "Midgley") Pog.e 270, line 3, "VandePol •.."should read: Pol, W. H. van de. The Christian Dilemma: Catholic ChurchRef -0rmation. (Pater, T.) ........•••..•...•••. 16 (1953) 585-591 (entry should appear on page 249) Page 290, after line 12, insert the following : Marsh, M. 43 (1979) 674 ...

