In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

GENERAL INDEX TO THE THOMIST VOLUME 66-70 (2002-2006) AUTHORS OF ARTICLES Augros, Michael, "Reconciling Science with Natural Philosophy" .............................. ' ....... 68 (2004) 105-41 Augros, Robert M., "Nature Acts for an End" ......... 66 (2002) 535-75 Baldner, Steven, "Albertus Magnus and the Categorization of Motion" ...................................... 70 (2006) 203-35 __,"Thomas Aquinas on Celestial Matter" .......... 68 (2004) 431-67 Berkman, John, "Medically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration in Medicine and Moral Theology: A Contextualization of Its Past and a Direction for Its Future" ............................. 68 (2004) 69-104 Bradley, Denis J. M., "Ephemerides Thomisticae Analyticae: Metaphysics and Ethics in Stump's Aquinas" ................ 69 (2005) 593-620 __, '"To Be or Not To Be?' Pasnau on Aquinas's Immortal Human Soul" ........................................ 68 (2004) 1-39 __, "Reason and the Natural Law: Flannery's Reconstruction of Aquinas's Moral Theory" .......................... 67 (2003) 119-31 Bradshaw, David, "Time and Eternity in the Greek Fathers" ...................................... 70 (2006) 311-66 Brock, Stephen L., "Is Uniqueness at the Root of Personal Dignity? John Crosby and Thomas Aquinas" ................... 69 (2005) 173-201 Brugger, E. Christian, "Catholic Moral Teaching and the Problem of Capital Punishment" ............................ 68 (2004) 41-67 Brugger, E. Christian, and William E. May, "John Paul H's Moral Theology on Trial: A Reply to Charles E. Curran" ........ 69 (2005) 279-312 Bukowski, Thomas P., "Beyond Aristotle ... and beyond Newton: Thomas Aquinas on an Infinite Creation" ........... 68 (2004) 287-314 Burke, Cormac, "A Postscript to the 'Remedium Concupiscentiae"' ..................................... 70 (2006) 481-536 Cahalan, John C., "Natural Obligation: How Naturally Known Truth Determines Ethical Good and Evil" .......... 66 (2002) 101-32 Cahall, Perry J., "Saint Augustine on Conjugal Love and Divine Love" ......... ' ............................ 68 (2004) 343-73 Caponi, Francis]., 0.S.A., "Karl Rahner and the Metaphysics of Participation" ..................................... 67 (2003) 375-408 Cole, Basil, O.P., "Catholic Bioethics: Three Recent Studies" ...................................... 66 (2002) 133-47 Colton, Randall G., "Two Rival Versions of Sexual Virtue: Simon Blackburn and John Paul II on Lust and Chastity" ........ 70 (2006) 71-101 617 618 AUTHORS OF ARTICLES Decaen, Christopher A., "Aristotle's Aether and Contemporary Science" ..................................... 68 (2004) 375-429 Deely, John, "The Semiosis of Angels" ............... 68 (2004) 205-58 Dewan, Lawrence, O.P., "Jean Porter on Natural Law: Thomistic Notes" ..................................... 66 (2002) 275-309 DeYoung, Rebecca Konyndyk, "Resistance to the Demands of Love: Aquinas on the Vice of Acedia" ..................... 68 (2004) 173-204 Dobie, Robert J., "Reason and Revelation in the Thought of Meister Eckhart" ...................................... 67 (2003) 409-38 Emery, Gilles, O.P., "The Personal Mode of Trinitarian Action in Saint Thomas Aquinas" ............................... 69 (2005) 31-77 Flannery, Kevin L., S.J., "The Field of Moral Action according to Thomas Aquinas" ................................ 69 (2005) 1-30 __,"Applying Aristotle in Contemporary Embryology" 67 (2003) 249-78 __, "The Multifarious Moral Object of Thomas Aquinas" ...................................... 67 (2003) 95-118 Flores, Daniel E., "Thomas on the Problem of Theodore of Mopsuestia, Exegete" .............................. 69 (2005) 251-77 Foley, Michael P., "Augustine, Aristotle, and the Confessions" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 (2003) 607-22 George, Marie I., "Aquinas on the Nature of Trust" ..... 70 (2006) 103-23 Goyette, John, "Substantial Form and the Recovery of an Aristotelian Natural Science" ............................... 66 (2002) 519-33 Grygiel, Wojciech P., F.S.S.P., "The Metaphysics of Chaos: A Thomistic View of Entropy and Evolution" ................. 66 (2002) 251-66 Guevin, Benedict M., 0.S.B., "When a Lie Is Not a Lie: The Importance of Ethical Context" ........................ 66 (2002) 267-74 Hemming, Laurence Paul, "Giving a Good Account of God: Is Theology Ever Mathematical?" ......................... 70 (2006) 367-93 Henninger, Mark G., S.J., "Thomas Sutton on Univocation, Equivocation, and Analogy" .............................. 70 (2006) 537-75 Hill, William J., O.P., "St. Thomas Aquinas: Teacher" ..... 66 (2002) 9-13 Hoffmann, Tobias, "Moral Action as Human Action: End and Object in Aquinas in Comparison with Abelard, Lombard, Albert, and Scotus" ....................................... 67 (2003) 73-94 Horner, David A., "Is Aquinas an Act-Ethicist or an Agent-Ethicist?" ...................................... 70 (2006) 237-65 Iribarren, Isabel, "The Scotist Background in Hervaeus Natalis's Interpretation of Thomism" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 (2002) 607 Jensen, Steven J., "Do Circumstances Give Species?" ...... 70 (2006) 1-26 ___, "A Long Discussion regarding Steven A. Long's Interpretation of the Moral Species" .......................... 67 (2003) 623-43 AUTHORS OF ARTICLES 619...

