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BOOK REVIEWS 335 CORRECTION In the July 2011 issue of The Thomist, the review by Ian Christopher Levy of Marilyn McCord Adams, Some Later Medieval Theories of the Eucharist, contained two typos, introduced during the process of editing, that led to a misrepresentation of the reviewer’s meaning. The review as posted on the Thomist website has been corrected. Below are the two pertinent sentences, in their corrected versions. Page 485, beginning line 10: “It would seem, therefore, that this is an attempt to obviate the outright annihilation of the bread—in which case the terminus ad quem of conversion would be nothing, rather than Christ’s body—and thereby preserve conversion without positing the continued existence of a common quantified material substratum.” Page 485, beginning line 22: “Many of the principles which the Dominican Angelic Doctor regarded as axiomatic were held up to intense, even withering, scrutiny by the Subtle Doctor of the Franciscan Order.” ...

