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  • Contributor Biographies

Jacob Rama Berman is associate professor of English literature at Louisiana State University. His first book, American Arabesque: Arabs, Islam, and the Nineteenth-Century Imaginary, was published by NYU Press in 2012. He currently lives in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Jillian Spivey Caddell is a lecturer in English at American University. Her current projects chart the impact of war on the American spatial and temporal imagination. Her work has appeared in the New England Quarterly and Literary Cultures of the Civil War (University of Georgia Press, 2016).

Timothy Donahue is assistant professor of English at Oakland University. He is currently at work on a book that explores the relations of political sovereignty and literary form in North America’s nineteenth-century borderlands.

Anita Durkin is an independent scholar with a PhD in American literature from the University of Rochester. Her work has previously appeared in African American Review, Arizona Quarterly, and various essay collections. “Hawthorne’s English Material” is part of a larger inquiry into rationality and the Civil War. She has taught at several universities, and is a Modern Language Association Connected Academies Proseminar Fellow.

Monica Huerta is a Link-Cotsen postdoctoral fellow at the Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, where she is affiliated with the English department. Her manuscript in progress, “The Evidence of Things Unseen: Involuntary Expressions and the Making of Modern Personhood,” situates the right to privacy in a larger history of new understandings of personal expression, which come to include all the involuntary and fleeting gestures that photography could finally capture on film.

Mark Noble is assistant professor of English at Georgia State University, where he teaches American literature and [End Page 455] critical theory. He is the author of American Poetic Materialism from Whitman to Stevens (Cambridge, 2015).

Erin Sweeney is a lecturer in English and humanities core at the University of California at Irvine. Her current book project examines houses in nineteenth-century US fiction in relation to their historical prototypes to identify innovative transformations of domestic space that emerge from and alter particular architectural forms and the social relations they generate and maintain.

Zachary Turpin is a doctoral candidate at the University of Houston. He has written articles on Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman, Ambrose Bierce, and Rebecca Harding Davis. His work appears, or is forthcoming, in ESQ, Leviathan, Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, American Literary Realism, and the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review.

David Weimer is the Librarian for Cartographic Collections and Learning at the Harvard Map Collection. This essay comes from his current book project, “Protestant Institutionalism: Religion, Literature, and Society after the State Church.” He received his PhD in English from Harvard University in 2016. [End Page 456]


