In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Subject Index

algae in Kāneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, 319–339

Anguilla spp., 263–270

anguillid glass eels (Anguilla spp.), seasonal changes in species composition of, 263–270

Anous minutus, 197–204

ants, species assembly patterns in Polynesian, 81–94

Apseudomorphan Tanaidacean from Hawaiian Archipelago, 281–294

avifauna from Teouma Lapita Site, Efate Island, Vanuatu, 205–254

Balaenoptera musculus, 477–485

bees in large-scale reforestation of pastureland in Hawaii, 67–79


  avifauna from Teouma Lapita Site, 205–254

  Black Noddy (Anous minutus) and Brown Noddy (A. stolidus), 197–204

  food webs and feeding habits on islands, 181–195

  Japanese bush-warblers, 59–66

  sympatric fruit doves, 299–312

Black Noddy (Anous minutus), segregation in diet between Brown Noddy and, 197–204

blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), 477–485

Brown Noddy (A. stolidus), segregation in diet between Black Noddy (Anous minutus) and, 197–204

Campanulaceae, 255–261, 355–366

Casuarina equisetifolia, 445–460

Cettia diphone, 59–66

Chaetodon ornatissimus, 525–529

Chelonia mydas, 48–57

Chondracanthidae, Copepoda, 125–128

Cinchona pubescens (red quinine tree) (Rubiaceae), biology and impacts of, 133–153

Clermontia kakeana, 255–261

Columbidae, 299–312

Coralliidae, 15–46

Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (CRAMP), 1–13

coral reefs

  components of floating mucus aggregates around, 341–353

  spatial and temporal dynamics of Hawaiian, 1–13

corals, sexual reproduction in precious, 15–46

crabs, grapsoid and gall, 509–523

CRAMP—see Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program

Crustacea: Brachyura, 509–523

Cryptapseudes leroyi, 281–294

Cryptocarya (Lauraceae) recognition as endangered species, 103–115

Cryptochiroidea, 509–523

Cyanea angustifolia, 255–261

Dictyosphaeria cavernosa, 319–339

eels, 263–270

Evistias acutirostris, 525–529


  striped boarfish and ornate butterflyfish from Easter Island, 525–529

  tuna species, oceanographic conditions influence on habitat of, 461–475

food webs and feeding habits on Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico, 181–195


  drought in Hawaiian lowland wet, 367–383

  plasmodial slime molds of tropical karst, 411–422

  preferential associations of Lantana in seasonally dry Hawaiian, 385–397

  soil water availability after removal of dominant, nonnative tree in, 445–460

grapsoid and gall crabs of Easter Island, 509–523

Grapsoidea, 509–523

Hawaiian coral reef communities, spatial and temporal dynamics of, 1–13

Hawaiian Cryptocarya (Lauraceae) recognition as endangered species, 103–115

Hawaiian endemic plants

  Cryptocarya, 103–115

  Lobelia villosa, 355–366

Hawaiian green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas), 48–57

Hawaiian wildfire, 427–444

Herpestes javanicus, 559–565

Japanese bush-warblers, rapid change in song structure in, 59–66

Kāneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, nutrient concentrations in, 319–339

Lake Letas, Gaua Island, Vanuatu, limnological characterization of, 165–180

Lantana camara, preferential associations of invasive, 385–397

Lauraceae, 103–115

Lernaeosolea Wilson, 1944 (Chondracanthidae, Copepoda), 125–128

limnological characterization of Lake Letas, Vanuatu, 165–180

lobeliads, testing for autogamy in Hawaiian, 255–261

Lobelia villosa, Genetic Structure and Diversity of, 355–366

Lukunor Atoll, reptiles of, 117–124

megapode, new genus and species of, 205–254

Micronesia, reptiles of Lukunor Atoll, 117–124

microorganisms, population growth from components of floating mucus aggregates around, 341–353

Mikania micrantha stem sections, effects of age, length, and pattern of burial on survival of, 95–102


  in Fiji Islands, 313–317

  small Indian, 559–565 [End Page 571]

New Caledonia, southern lagoon, Black Noddy and Brown Noddy from, 197–204

ornithophilous Hawaiian lobeliads seed production, 255–261

pacific island invasive species, biology and impacts of, 133–153

Paspalum vaginatum (Poaceae), 48–57

plasmodial slime molds of Quezon National Park, Philippines, 411–422

pollination by bees in reforestation of pastureland in Hawaii:, 67–79

Polynesian ants, species assembly patterns in, 81–94

rain forest drought in Hawaii, 367–383

red quinine tree (Rubiaceae), biology and impacts of, 133–153


  of Lukunor Atoll, Mortlock Islands, Chuuk State, federated states of Micronesia, 117–124

  remains from Tiga, Loyalty Islands, 531–557 of Uman District islands Federated States of Micronesia, 271–279

Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico, food webs and feeding habits on, 281–294

Rubiaceae, 133–153

Ryukyu Archipelago, precious corals in, 15–46

sexual reproduction in precious corals (Coralliidae) Collected in Ryukyu Archipelago, 15–46

skinks’ vulnerability to predation by mongoose in Fiji Islands...

