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REVIEWS OF BOOKS Studiesin Empire and Trade. By J. W. JEUDWXNE. London: Longmans ,Green and Company. 1923. Pp. lii, 463. ($7.50.) MR. JEUDWXNE follows a longand ill-arranged historical introduction, dealingwith imperialprinciplesin general,with severalsections in which he examinesmediaevaladventureand trade, the discoveryof the East, the attack on the Iberian monopoliesand on the monopolyof the Indies, and the European "viking" in the Indies. There are several miscellaneousappendices , varying from quotationsfrom Mr. R. H. Tawney's writings to earlier but equally accessible material. Mr. Jeudwine'saim is apparently to trace the developmentsof Empire and the transition from the older theories, when trade and commerce were the motives,to more modernconceptions. In doingso, hehascollecteda massof material whichwill bevery usefulfor reference, but there is nothing in his book which is not already well known to scholarsin economicsand politics. Unfortunately, the book will be of little use to the general reader. It is ill-arranged, unattractively written, and leavesall the impressionof a tour deforce. In addition, were it submitted to closescrutiny, it would be apparent that Mr. Jeudwineisfar frombeinga reliablewriter. We couldnot recommend, for example,evento the generalreader,the chaptersdealingwith the British and French in North America. The format of the bookis good. There is an excellentindexwhich will do much to make serviceableany value which the volume may possess. W. P.M. KENNEDY ' J>olitisches Handw6rterbuch. Herausgegeben von K. JA•ow und P. HERRE. Leipzig: Koehler. 1923. THis volumeis a politico-economic dictionary, dealingwith practically every countryin the world. The articleon "Canada" hasbeenvery ably and lucidly written by Dr. A. Hasenclever, professorof history at the Universityof Halle. Professor Hasenclever, who is oneof the fewGermanstudents whoaredevotingattentionto Canada,hasmanaged to condensea wealth of information into ten closely packed octavo pages. He is of opinionthat the great influx of Americansinto the ...

