In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Errata


for Thanos Catsambas, “The Greek Economic Crisis: Myths, Misperceptions, Truths, and Realities.” Mediterranean Quarterly 27, no. 1 (2016): 55–70.

On page 65 of the print version of the article, note 20 should read: “In 2014–15, Greece was paying for its debt service less than Italy and Ireland were, both of which had a lower debt-to-GDP ratio than Greece.”

On page 67, table 2, “Arrears clearance” should have the value 3.0 in the column for “December 2015 (actual).”


for Fred H. Lawson, “Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Nile River: The Continuing Dispute.” Mediterranean Quarterly 27, no. 1 (2016): 97–121.

On page 121 of the print version of the article, the last sentence should read: “But it is even more true, as Whittington, Waterbury, and Jeuland observe merely in passing, that “the trust required for regional water markets to function seems far away”121 and is unlikely to coalesce any time soon.”

These errors have been corrected in the online versions of the articles. [End Page 105]


