In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • What sound symbolism can and cannot do:Testing the iconicity of ideophones from five languages: Supplementary Material
  • Mark Dingemanse, Will Schuerman, Eva Reinisch, Sylvia Tufvesson, and Holger Mitterer

[Download PDF] What sound symbolism can and cannot do: Testing the iconicity of ideophones from five languages. Online supplementary information: List of ideophones

S1 is a list of the ideophones used in the experiment, along with their source languages, semantic domains, and translations. The 'filename' column identifies the corresponding auditory stimuli files, available for download in S2.

[Download Zip file] What sound symbolism can and cannot do: Testing the iconicity of ideophones from five languages. Online supplementary information: Auditory stimuli

S2 is a zip archive containing the auditory stimuli (MP3 files) used in the experiment. The four versions of each ideophone are as follows: 'org': the original recording, a natural utterance; 'rs': a full resynthesis; 'NoPros': a phones-only resynthesis retaining only segmental properties, no prosody; 'ChgPhon': a prosody-only resynthesis retaining the prosodic properties of the original.

[Download Zip file] What sound symbolism can and cannot do: Testing the iconicity of ideophones from five languages. Online supplementary information: MBROLA .pho files and rules

S3 is a zip archive containing the MBROLA .pho files and rules used in creating the synthesized versions of the stimuli.

Mark Dingemanse
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Will Schuerman
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and Universiteit Utrecht
Eva Reinisch
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
Sylvia Tufvesson
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Holger Mitterer
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, and University of Malta
