In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Un débat catholique sur la théologie de l’histoire. Michel Castro. Mélanges de Science Religieuse, 72 (3, 2015), 27–34.
Konzil, System und Recht—Die Perpetuierung der hierarchischen Verfassung in der Ekklesiologie des Ordo Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II Celebrandi. Thomas Neumann. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 45 (1, 2013), 83–114.
The Thieves of the Cross: Assyrian Charity Collectors and World History, 1860s–1940s. Andrew MacDonald. Past & Present, No. 229 (Nov., 2015), 161–200.
Here Comes the Bride. Anne L. Clark. Church History & Religious Culture, 95 (2–3, 2015), 155–81.
Jewishness as an Explanation for the Rejection of the Word. Vincent M. Evener. Church History & Religious Culture, 95 (2–3, 2015), 203–21.
One City, Two Cathedrals: St. Patrick’s and Christ Church, Dublin. J. Barrington Bates. Anglican and Episcopal History, 84 (Sept., 2015), 331–37.
Bringing It to Completion: American New Monastics and the Benedictine Tradition. Alden Bass. American Benedictine Review, 66 (Dec., 2015), 352–63.


When, Where, and Why did the Change From Sabbath to Sunday Worship Take Place in the Early Church? Robert K. McIver. Andrews University Seminary Studies, 53 (Spring, 2015), 15–35.
El Depositum Fidei en la Iglesia de Esmirna (siglos I–IV). Mauricio Saavedra. Estudio Agustiniano, 50 (May–Aug., 2015), 197–220.
Ea Superstitione: Christian Martyrdom and the Religion of Freelance Experts. Heidi Wendt. Journal of Roman Studies, 105 (2015), 183–201.
“Reordering the Confusion”: Tatian, the Second Sophistic, and the so-called Diatessaron. Matthew R. Crawford. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 19 (2, 2015), 209–36.
Wer ist der Jüngling? Die Taufe des Gundaphor in Thomasakten und der Kult des Asklepios. Clemens Leonhard. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 19 (2, 2015), 237–59.
Irenaeus on Natural Knowledge. Anthony Briggman. Church History & Religious Culture, 95 (2–3, 2015), 133–54. [End Page 233]
Clement of Alexandria’s Gnostic Exposition of the Decalogue. Robert G. T. Edwards. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 23 (Winter, 2015), 501–28.
Public Aspects of Pain in Late Antiquity: The Testimony of Chrysostom and the Cappadocians in the Graeco–Roman Context. Antigone Samellas. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 19 (2, 2015), 260–96.
Las cartas de Agustín ‘Ad Donatistas’, y su importancia en la controversia antidonatista. Carles Buenacasa Pérez. Augustinus, LX (Jan.–Dec., 2015), 73–82.
El ‘relato milanés’ en las Confesiones de Augustín: espacios intelectuales y materiales en el Milán tardoantiguo. Therese Fuhrer. Augustinus, LX (Jan.–Dec., 2015), 177–98.
Antes del encuentro de Agustín con Emérito: Donatismo mauritano primitivo. Jane E. Merdinger. Augustinus, LX (Jan.–Dec., 2015), 255–65.
Placuit apostolicae (Ep. 1) of Zosimus of Rome and the Ecclesiastical Reorganization of Gaul. Geoffrey D. Dunn. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 23 (Winter, 2015), 559–81.
Simeon and Other Women in Theodoret’s Religious History: Gender in the Representation of Late Ancient Christian Asceticism. Ellen Muehlberger. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 23 (Winter, 2015), 583–606.
Das sogenannte Bekenntnis des Ambrosius (CPL 167a) bei Theodoret und der Brief in prolixitate epistolae Papst Anastasius’ II (CPL 1610, CPG 9160). Wolfram Kinzig. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 19 (Dec., 2015), 452–80.
El Bovalar (Serós, Lleida). ¿Un monasterio productor de pergamino en la Hispania visigoda? Jordina Sales Carbonell. Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, XC (2014), 423–63.
The Mirror, the Qnoma, and the Soul: Another Perspective on the Christological Formula of Babai the Great. Marijke Metselaar. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 19 (2, 2015), 331–66.
The Papal Apocrisiarii in Constantinople during the Pontificate of Gregory I, 590–604. Joseph Western. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 66 (Oct., 2015), 697–714.


Wissenstransformationen oder Verdrängungsmechanismen? Thesen zur Religions- und Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters. Rainer Berndt. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 97 (2, 2015), 291–314.
Buried together, buried alone: Christian commemoration and kinship in the early Middle Ages. Irene Barbiera. Early Medieval Europe, 23 (Nov., 2015), 385–409.
In search of a Byzantine narrative canon: The Vita Basilii as an uncanonical work. Patricia Varona Codeso. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 39 (Sept., 2015), 173–90. [End Page 234]
Fixing John Damascene’s Biography: Historical Notes on His Family Background. Sean W. Anthony...

