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  • Contributors

Wilda Anderson is Professor of French in the Department of German and Romance Languages and Literatures at Johns Hopkins University. She is the author of Between the Library and the Laboratory: The Language of Chemistry in Eighteenth-Century France (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1984), and Diderot’s Dream (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1990).

Leslie Barnes is Lecturer of French Studies at the Australian National University and author of Vietnam and the Colonial Condition of French Literature (University of Nebraska Press, 2014). Her work has appeared in French Cultural Studies, French Forum, and Journal of Vietnamese Studies.

Chris Bongie is Professor of English at Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario). Author of three monographs on French and Francophone literature, as well as translations of Victor Hugo and Baron de Vastey, he is currently beginning work on a project entitled Phoenix Rising: Race, Literacy, and the Emergence of Early Haitian Literature.

Jean-Claude Bonnet is directeur de recherche emeritus at the CNRS. His major publications include Naissance du Panthéon, essai sur le culte des grands hommes (Fayard, “l’esprit de la Cité,” 1998). He is the director of the project of editing the complete works of Louis Sébastien Mercier. The most recent volume is Mercier’s Théâtre complet (1769–1809) (Paris: Champion, 4 volumes, 2014). His most recent book is La Gourmandise et la faim. Histoire et symbolique de l’aliment (1730–1830) (Le livre de Poche, 2015).

Bernard Cerquiglini is a linguist and a specialist in medieval literature who had been a professor at University of Paris VIII and of Paris VII; he had also served as the director of the Center for French and Francophone Studies at Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge. His many books include Une langue orpheline and La Genèse de l’orthographe française: XIIe–XVIIe siècles. The former director of the National [End Page 1018] Institute for the French language and the former vice-president of the Conseil supérieur de la langue française, he was also in charge of the French government panels charged with orthography reform, with the status of regional languages in France, and with the feminization of job titles. He has also served as president of the French National Reading Observatory. He has been a member of Oulipo since 1995. Since December 2007 he has been Rector of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF).

Ronan Y. Chalmin teaches French literature at Connecticut College. He is the author of Lumières et corruption (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2010) and of articles on Molière, Racine, Tissot, Babeuf, Balzac, and Ponge.

Hope Christiansen is an Associate Professor at the University of Arkansas. She has published articles on George Sand, Marie d’Agoult, Colette, Flaubert, and Baudelaire, among others. Her recent research centers on Belle Époque novels by women.

François Cornilliat is Distinguished Professor of French at Rutgers University (New Brunswick). Among his publications are “Or ne mens.” Couleurs de l’éloge et du blâme chez les “Grands Rhétoriqueurs” (Paris: Champion, 1994); Sujet caduc, noble sujet. La poésie de la Renaissance et le choix de ses “arguments” (Geneva: Droz, 2009); and three volumes of poetry.

Timothy Ellison is a third-year Ph.D. student in Comparative Literature at Yale University. He is interested in comparative Romanticism, literary theory, and the essay.

Bo Earle is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of British Columbia. He has published many articles on romantic and modernist poetry and fiction, on the Frankfurt School and German Idealism. He recently completed a book titled Post-Personal Romanticism: Democratic Terror, Prosthetic Poetics and the Comedy of Modern Ethical Life, and is writing another on animals in romanticism and modernism.

Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux is a specialist in Spanish literature and in cultural relations between the countries of the Mediterranean. In addition to her work as a university professor (Paris IV and Paris VIII), her long career of leadership in university education includes service as Rector first of the Academy of Orléans-Tours and then of the Academy of Paris, and as Chancellor of the Universities. During the presidency of François Mitterand, she served...

