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  • Contributors • Collaborateurs

Cameron Anstee is a doctoral candidate in the Department of English at the University of Ottawa. His research focusses on bookselling and the small press in Canada after the Second World War. He is the editor of The Collected Poems of William Hawkins (Chaudiere, 2015) and he runs Apt. 9 Press.

Loleen Berdahl is an associate professor in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research examines public policy and public opinion in Canada.

Frédéric Boily est professeur de science politique à la Faculté Saint-Jean, Université de l’Alberta. Ses champs de spécialisation portent sur les idéologies politiques canadiennes, notamment le conservatisme et le populisme.

Marcella Firmini holds a doctorate in political science from Dalhousie University, where she is currently a lecturer in the area of Canadian politics and political thought, and political philosophy.

Jennifer Henderson is an associate professor in the Department of English at Carleton University. Her research and teaching address settler colonialism, cultural production, and rationales of government in Canada. She is the author of Settler Feminism and Race Making in Canada (2003) and the co-editor of Reconciling Canada: Critical Perspectives on the Culture of Redress (2013).

Sanjay Jeram is an assistant professor at Brock University. His main research focusses on the intersection of identity and immigrant-generated diversity in regions with sub-state nationalist movements. His work has been published in journals such as Ethnic and Racial Studies, Ethnopolitics, and Nationalism and Ethnic Politics. He is currently working on a book manuscript about immigration and citizenship politics in the Basque country.

Adam Lauder is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Art at the University of Toronto. He has contributed articles to journals including Canadian Journal of Communication, Future Anterior, and Journal of Canadian Art History.

Peter McCormick is a professor emeritus of the Department of Political Science at the University of Lethbridge, and has been researching the Supreme Court of Canada and its decisions for several decades.

David McGrane is an associate professor of political studies at St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan. He is currently the principal investigator of the Canadian Social Democracy Study.

Cheryl Thompson has a doctorate in communication studies from McGill University. Her research interests include Black Canadian and African-American studies, transnational women’s history, visual studies, media studies, and North American consumer culture. She currently resides in Toronto. [End Page 267]

Peter Thompson is an associate professor in the School of Canadian Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. His research examines representations of the natural environment in contemporary literature and popular culture, with a particular focus on Atlantic Canada. [End Page 268]


