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  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Papst und Konzil im ersten Jahrtausend: Eigenständige Entwicklung und wechsel-seitiges Verhältnis. Hermann-Josef Sieben SJ. Theologie und Philsophie, 90 (2, 2015), 175–202.
Evolution historique de la gouvernance dans l’Église copte. Un aperçu. Philippe Luisier. Cristianesimo nella storia, 36 (1, 2015), 11–27.
Dinamiche della Chiesa nell’età moderna e concilio Vaticano I. Paolo Prodi. Teologia, XL (Mar., 2015), 15–28.
Il contributo del concilio Vaticano II al rinnovamento della storia della Chiesa. Saverio Xeres. Teologia, XL (Mar., 2015), 29–62.
Balance sobre el debate en torno a la interpretación del Concilio. Massimo Faggioli. Efemérides Mexicana, 33 (Jan.–Apr., 2015), 3–18.
Cracks in the Edifice: Recent Challenges to the Received History of Vatican II. Stephen Morgan. Downside Review, 133 (Jan., 2015), 66–85.
Augustin, le sens et les sens. Réflexions sur le processus de spiritualisation du charnel dans l’Église medieval. Didier Méhu. Revue historique, CCCXVII (Apr., 2015), 271–301.
Der Dienst am Kranken als Konkretisierung der franziskanischen compassio. Ein historischer Überblick. Benedikt Mertens OFM. Wissenschaft und Weisheit, 77 (2014), 90–118.
La cura dei malati e la Farmacia dei Frati Minori della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme. Narcyz S. Klimas, OFM. Miscellanea Francescana, 115 (1–2, 2015), 102–46.
Documentación sobre conventos franciscanos femeninos en el archivo diocesano de Mérida-Badajoz. María Guadalupe Pérez Ortiz and Agustín Vivas Moreno. Hispania Sacra, 67 (2015), 61–168.
Una aproximación a la historia del convento mínimo de Nuestra Señora de la Victoria de Arahal (1546–1835). Jorge Alberto Jordán Fernández. Hispania Sacra, 67 (2015), 197–218.
Catálogo de monjes del monasterio de Santa María de Valvanera (siglos XVI–XX). Ernesto Zaragoza Pascual. Studia Monastica, 56 (2, 2014), 299–332.
Quakers and the Elderly. Alan Walker. Quaker History, 104 (1, 2015), 1–19.
Die Entwicklung der Governance “in den lutherischen Kirchen in Deutschland.” Gury Schneider-Ludorff. Cristianesimo nella storia, 36 (1, 2015), 29–39. [End Page 981]
Slavery, Mission, and the Perils of Providence in Eighteenth-Century Christianity: The Writings of Whitefield and the Halle Pietists. Philippa Koch. Church History, 84 (June, 2015), 369–93.
Religion, anti-slavery, and identity: Irish Presbyterians, the United States, and transatlantic evangelicalism, c. 1820–1914. A. R. Holmes. Irish Historical Studies, XXXIX (May, 2015), 378–98.
Mobilising Mother Cabrini’s educational practice: the transnational context of the London school of Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1891–1911. Maria Patricia Williams. History of Education, 44 (Sept., 2015), 631–50.
The Road Towards Full Communion between the Philippine Independent Church and the Episcopal Church. Peter-Ben Smit. Anglican and Episcopal History, 84 (June, 2015), 121–65.
Modern Marital Practices and the Growth of World Christianity During the Mid-Twentieth Century. Anneke Stasson. Church History, 84 (June, 2015), 394–420.
Church Architecture since Vatican II. Duncan G. Stroik. The Jurist, 75 (2015), 5–34.
The Enduring Force of the Canonical Prohibition of Masonic Membership in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. Edward Condon. The Jurist, 74 (2, 2014), 289–351.


De la casa a la basílica. Espacio social y vida comunitaria en el cristianismo primitivo (ss. I–IV). Fernando Rivas. Salmanticensis, 62 (Jan.–Apr., 2015), 103–37.
The Jesus Movement’s flight to Pella and the “Parting of the Ways.” Ilaria L. E. Ramelli. Augustinianum, LIV (June, 2014), 35–50.
Die Anfänge des Christentums in Edessa. Jürgen Tubach. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 19 (May, 2015), 5–25.
Une communauté mystérieuse dans les environs d’Alexandrie aux alentours de l’ère chrétienne. Jean Riaud. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, L (2, 2014), 195–257.
The Egyptian Background of Gnostic Mythology. Thomas Gaston. Numen, 62 (4, 2015), 389–407.
Les cultes à mystère dans l’œuvre de Justin Martyr. Pierre Ndoumaï. Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique, CXVI (July–Sept., 2015), 81–97.
Pudor et Dedecus: Rhetoric of Honor and Shame in Perpetua’s Passion. Brian Sowers. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 23 (Fall, 2015), 363–88.
La iniciación en los Padres de la Iglesia: el caso de Clemente...

