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  • Notes on Contributors

Niran Abbas

Niran Abbas is a lecturer in Digital Media (Cultural Studies) at Trinity and All Saints College, University of Leeds, where she works on digital and cyber-culture, the impacts and issues of new technologies, contemporary American and Canadian literature, and French theory. She is the editor, with an introduction, of Thomas Pynchon: Reading From the Margins (forthcoming, Fairleigh Dickinson UP), and has written the introduction for a volume she is co-editing with Steven Connor: Michel Serres’s Poetics of Science and the Science of Poetics (forthcoming, Michigan UP).

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Seb Chevrel

Seb Chevrel has been involved with visual programming for over ten years. He is the lead technologist at Second Story (<>), and he participates in collaborative art projects featured in venues such as Born Magazine (<>).

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Samir Dayal

Samir Dayal is an associate professor of English at Bentley College. He is the editor, with an introduction, of Julia Kristeva’s Crisis of the European Subject, François Rachline’s Don Juan’s Wager, and Lucien Gubbay’s Jews Under Islam, among other books. He is Cultural Studies Editor for Other Press. Currently at work on a book about contemporary South Asian fiction and film, he has recently published articles in Angelaki, Socialist Review, Cultural Critique, and other journals. He has also contributed chapters to collections, including Postcolonial Queer and The Decolonized Mind.

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Brian Donahue

Brian Donahue is a visiting assistant professor of English at Gonzaga University. He has a Ph.D. from Purdue University and is currently completing a book entitled Loyal Oppositions: Searching for Alternatives in Postmodern American Culture.

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Matthew Hart

Matthew Hart is a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Pennsylvania. His dissertation work centers on the intersection of vernacular language and high modernist form in British, Caribbean, and American poetry. Two essays on contemporary poetics are online at <>. Matthew has recently published poems in The Portable Boog Reader: Philadelphia (New York, 2001) and Lipstick 11: The Esperanto Issue. A limited edition fine press chapbook, A Compass or Centre, has been published by Puddleduck Books.

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Jim Hicks

Jim Hicks is a lecturer in English, American Studies, and Comparative Literature at Smith College; he also teaches in Comparative Literature at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. During 1999–2000, he was a Fulbright Senior Scholar in the English Department at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. He is currently writing a book on international involvement in Bosnia-Herzegovina during and after the war; its working title is Lessons from Sarajevo: Writing, Translating, and Educating the International Community.

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Lisa Hopkins

Lisa Hopkins is a reader in English at Sheffield Hallam University and editor of Early Modern Literary Studies <>. She is primarily a Renaissance specialist, but she teaches a course called “Making Monsters: Literature and Evolution” and guest-edited a special issue of Gothic Studies on monstrosity and anthropology.

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Jason B. Jones

Jason B. Jones is a Marion L. Brittain Fellow in the School of Literature, Communication, and Culture at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is completing final revisions on his dissertation, Histories of the Real: Aesthetics and Historiography in Victorian Literature, in the Department of English at Emory University. His publications address such topics as electronic pedagogy and Wilhelm Reich, and his review “The Real Happens” appeared in PMC 11.1 (September 2000).

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Andreas Kitzmann

Andreas Kitzmann is a senior lecturer at the Institute for Culture and Communication at the University of Karlstad, Sweden. He received his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from McGill University, where he did his dissertation work on the literary uses of hypertext. His research interests include the impact of communications technology on the construction and practice of identity, the emergence of electronic communities, and the influence of new media on narrative conventions. He is currently working on a book project concerning the autobiographical uses of media technology from handwritten diaries to web-cams.

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Scott Michaelsen

Scott Michaelsen is an associate professor of English...
