In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index: Studies in English Literature 1500–1900 Volume 55, 2015
Abstracts, Autumn 985
Abstracts, Spring 497
Abstracts, Summer 727
Abstracts, Winter 259
Blake, Liza, “Allegorical Causation and Aristotelian Physics in Henry Medwall’s Nature 341
Bozio, Andrew, “Embodied Thought and the Perception of Place in King Lear 263
Campana, Joseph, “Introduction: Staging Allegory” 327
Del Balzo, Angelina, “The Sultan’s Tears in Zara, an Oriental Tragedy” 501
Dessen, Alan C., “Allegorical Action and Elizabethan Staging” 391
Duffy, Cian, “Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Other Lyrical Drama and the Inception of Hellas 817
Enders, Jody, “Allegory Plays” 447
Forsberg, Laura, “Christina Rossetti and Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight 861
Fuchs, Barbara, “Recent Studies in the English Renaissance” 215
Gillen, Katherine, “Female Chastity and Commoditized Selfhood in Bartholomew Fair 309
Gray, Erik, “Polyptoton in In Memoriam: Evolution, Speculation, Elegy” 841
Greene, Roland, “Recent Studies in Tudor and Stuart Drama” 465
Havens, Hilary, “Revisions and Revelations in Frances Burney’s Cecilia Manuscript” 537
Hildebrand, Jayne, “Cowper’s Theatrical Blank Verse: Shakespeare, Garrick, and The Task 579
Hill, Cecily Erin, “Narrative Didacticism in Amelia Opie’s Adeline Mowbray 731
Issa, Islam, “Transforming Milton’s Paradise Lost into Arabic” 197
Jordan, Meghan, “Madness and Matrimony in Frances Burney’s Cecilia 559
Kaminski, Thomas, “Edmund Waller’s ‘Easy’ Style and the Heroic Couplet” 95
Kelley, Shannon, “Amber, the Heliades, and the
Poetics of Trauma in Marvell’s ‘The Nymph Complaining’” 151
Kimbrell, Garth, “Taste, Theatrical Venues, and the Rise of the English Tragicomedy” 285
Kotch, Amanda, “George Gissing and the Fictional Work of Biography” 879
Kunat, John, “Rape and Republicanism in Shakespeare’s Lucrece 1
McCarthy, Erin A., “Speculation and Multiple Dedications in Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum 45
Nace, Nicholas D., “On Not Choking in Herbert’s ‘The Collar’” 73
O’Quinn, Daniel, “Recent Studies in the Restoration and Eighteenth Century” 669
Owens, Margaret E., “The Revenger’s Tragedy as Trauerspiel 403
Quinsland, Kirk, “Antitheatricalism and the Interpretation of Tudor Allegorical Performance” 365
Rajan, Tilottama, “Unspacing: The Architecture of Poetry in Shelley’s Alastor and Keats’s The Fall of Hyperion 787
Risinger, Jacob, “Coleridge, Politics, and the Theory of Life 647
Shires, Linda M., “Matter, Consciousness, and the Human in Wessex Poems 899
Sokolov, Danila, “Renaissance Petrarchism and Medieval Begging in Robert Sidney’s Sonnets” 21
Speitz, Michele, “The Wordsworthian Acoustic Imagination, Sonic Recursions, and ‘that dying murmur’” 621
Stabler, Jane, “Recent Studies in the Nineteenth Century” 925
Stern, Rachel Michelle, “Fantasies of Choosing in Rasselas 523
Wadoski, Andrew, “Milton’s Spenser: Eden and the Work of Poetry” 175
Wiley, Michael, “Linguistic Instability in R. B. Sheridan’s Pizarro 603
Wittek, Stephen, “Middleton’s A Game at Chess and the Making of a Theatrical Public” 423
Wolfson, Susan J., “‘This is my Lightning’ or; Sparks in the Air” 751
Zajac, Paul Joseph, “Suckling’s Fragmenta Aurea and the Construction of Cavlier Authorship” 125

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