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This short rc\ ie\r duevi't touch o n man> inaximized the exhibition and educational in 1977. Kahn dttained an ideal balance aspects of the book, such as the enthusiastic between today's technical possibilities and reception given Barnes's Dallas Art Museum, . . . he married archetypal and iconoclasiic history'., rich hcritage, setting a standard or the quiet delights of older museums whose solutions, so he blended twentieth century for art museums in the 1980's. awkward, irritating, cramped spaces haveseen materials, such as stainless steel, aluminium, intelligent and sensitive solutions. and reinforced concrete. with more timeless Searing suggests that Louis Kahn's Yale substances, such as travertine. oak. and Center for British Art seems to have linen. In this, his last building, completed functions of a museum. Reviewed by Rob Kostka, 8909 Southview, Brookfield. 11. 60513. [J.S.A. BOOKS RECEIVED 1/10Billion Sun,. Rudolf Kippenhahn. 7ran\. by Jean Steinberg. Basic Book\. New Yoi-k. 1983. 265 pp.. i I I u \ . Cloth. $25.00. ISBN: 0-465-05263-0. Anrmnl Architecture. Karl von Frisch. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1974. 306 pp., illti\ 510.25. ISBN: 0-442-29057-8 Bri~ontlVirron. Jon Darius. Oxford University Press, 1984. 224 pp.. illus. Cloth. E15. ISBN. 0- 19-853245-8, I)i.\coverrrx A Hisror,v of Man's Search To Knoii,. Daniel J . Boorstein. Random House. Vew York. 1983. 745 pp. Cloth, $25.00. ISBN: 394-40229-4. Echoes of the Ancient Skies. E. C Krupp. Harper & Row. New York. 1983. 385 pp.. i I l u \ . Cloth. $19.95. ISBN: 0-06-015 I 01-3. Evolurron of Cooprrariun. Robert Axelrod. Basic Books, New York, 1984. 241 pp 517.95 ISHN: 0-465-02122-0. Erperimenr, in Gorhrc Srrucrure. Robert Mark. MIT Press, Cambridge. Mass.. 1984. 135 pp.. illti\. 57.95. ISBN: &262-63095-8. E u r m r k d Phmori,pr: The Gene As (I Onrr of Selecrion. Richard Dawkins. W. H. Freeman. San t.ranci\co, 1982 307 pp. Cloth. $22.95. ISBN: 0-7167-1358. Fibme Kingdoms:An lllusrrared Guide ro thr, Phjmla of Life on Earrh. Lynn Margulis and Karlene V. Schwartr. u ' .H . Freeman. San Francisco, 1982. 338 pp.. illus. Cloth, $24.95. ISBN: 0-7167-1212. Grwr!c Alrhetny. Sheldon Krimsky. MIT Press, Cambridge. Mass., 1982. 445 pp., illit\. Cloth. $24.95 ISBN. (!-262-11083-0. H U M Nrii. Y-orkSrole /he Ideu ofModern Arr. SergeGuilbart. Univerrity 01 Chicago Press. 1983.277 pp.. illus. ISBN: 0-226-3 1038-8. Hoii /heI.air..s ofPhj,trc.\ Lit. Nancy Cartwright.Clarendoii Press. 1983. 221 pp.. illus. $22.50.ISHN. 0-19-824700 I. Indrvrdual'\ Gurde /o C;runr.\. Judith B. Margolin. Plenum Presr. Neu York, 1983. 295 pp. $15.95 ISBN: 0-306-41 309-4. Inlormorron Technolo,qh,and Civilizatron. Hiroshi Inose and John R. Pierce. W. H. Frecnian. San I iancisco. 1984. 263 pp.. illus. ISBN: 0-7167-1515-5.\ of'rht' Gume. Manfred Eigen and Ruthild Winkler. Hal-per & Ron. New York. 198I . 346 pp.. illii\. Paper. $8.95. ISBN: 0-06-090971-4. M i n d rn S on .Scrmcrj. Ari and Hrsror:)..Cyril Stanle? Smith. MIT Press. ('ambritige, Maccachusetts. 1982. 410 pp.. illus. Paper. $15.00. ISBN: 0-262-69082-9. Gene. Richard Dawkins. Oxlord University Pres\. London. 1976. 224 pp.. illti\, Paper. $5 95 ISI3N: 0- 19-520000-4. Si..sreni.sApproach. C. West Churchman. L.aurel Pub.. Hamden. Connecticut, 1979. 243 pp. Paper. $3.95. ISBN: 0-440-38407-9. T d a : Man Our of Time. Margaret Cheney. Laurel Pub., Hamden. Connecticut. 19x1. 310 pp. Paper. $3.95. ISBN: 0-440-39077. Undersrantlmg Einstein'.(.Theories ofRelmrvity. Stan Gibilsco. TAB Books. Summit, Penn\ylvania. 19x3. 200 pp . illus. $I8.95. ISBN: 0-8306-0505-3. Wermar Year.\: A Culrure Cur Shorr. John Willet. Abbe\,ille Press, New York. 1984 160 pp . illus. ISBN: 0-89659-4 10-6. 306 Book Reviews ...

