In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Pale Gull
  • Joan Payne Kincaid

Apropos of being beyond fictional nights of optional narcoticsGenuflect grand mal future grapple balance approach altitude.

Alive linger my glance latitude graceful French flare on ceilingPortal of padded reality decoded lightness of bilingual on-going pacts

Of neutral over site Atacand angst overwhelming orientation and needOf pancakes and deranged delight of lustrous luster lyric utter-ness.

To blink beneath clouds of nagging myths of a narrow offset opusOut of focus grasp like that gull on the railing pale and white feathered.

Yr in a narrow pretend scenario flying naked in out-of-order filmsArbitrary attitudes as fast as opinions naive as smoke and lingerie

Familiar blue flamboyant lingering archetypal banal latitude—lackOf lavender legs on balustrade lounging dalliance of flicker fondness. [End Page 251]

Joan Payne Kincaid
Sea Cliff, New York

